On line Preparatory Survey on European Identity and European Citizenship

30 of september of 2021  UNITA

The aim of this voluntary anonymous survey is to collect perceptions of different target groups (students, University staff, civil society) on European identity and European citizenship.

The goal is to use this information to adapt the activities developed in the framework of the UNITA project to the perception of those concepts and strengthen the knowledge and engagement with the European Project.

English: https://forms.univ-unita.eu/134654?lang=en
Spanish:  https://forms.univ-unita.eu/964961?lang=es
Romanian:  https://forms.univ-unita.eu/744138?lang.ro
French:  https://forms.univ-unita.eu/123531?lang=fr
Italian:  https://forms.univ-unita.eu/755679?lang=it

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