What is it?

An Alliance between six Universities, from five countries, located in rural and cross-border mountain regions across southern, central and eastern Europe, and sharing Romance languages origins.


Build an inspiring European inter-university campus based both on excellence in learning and teaching and on research and innovation for and with the territories.



Why choose UNITA?

The Best Physical Mobility - You can attend a period of face-to-face studies, share your knowledge, or put it into practice with an internship at one of the UNITA's universities and experience a transformative cultural immersion:
· Learn with different teaching methods
· Contribute to rural territories development:
· Discover territories - people, culture, and nature;
· Learn and practice the inter-comprehension method;
· Develop team work and communication skills, and
· Improve your academic background.

Mobility for Students, Teachers and Staff

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA Rural Mobility

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

Virtual Mobility

Attend distance learning courses offered by a partner university, in a synchronous or asynchronous mode.

UNITA Doctoral Cotutelle Mobilities

Develop a joint research program within UNITA;

Enjoy a period of study and research in a foreign environment;

Experience different research methods and contribute to the development of rural and cross-border mountain regions, as you progress with your investigation.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Training

Participate in a training session at one of UNITA’s institutions, share experiences and acquire knowledge and good practices. Acquire and improve practical skills that are relevant to your current position and also to your professional development.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

More Offers


New way of documenting and certifying skills, to encourage and facilitate alternative learning pathways: shorter, more targeted and more flexible.


  • Quality: the content is quality-assured and that the format is secure – use of digital tools; and

  • Recognition:

    • learning outcomes: specific intellectual and practical skills;

    • make sure that skills are well recognized for labour market.

Research & Innovation Hubs

UNITA can contribute to the development of rural and mountain areas through promoting the value of the natural resources for renewable energy, developing networks of circular economy (including bio-economy), linking different economic activities (agriculture, tourism, industry and crafts), promoting the richness of the cultural and linguistic heritage, and optimizing the relationship among the different actors of each ecosystem.


The hubs from each thematic areas are:

  • Renewable energy: energy transition and resource management.

  • Circular economy: including Bio-economy: networking and opening-up of economies.

  • Cultural heritage: enhancement of the heritage and identity of the territories.

T&L Centers

To promote knowledge, growth and pedagogical approaches, best practices are identified through the exchange of information, methods, and techniques between different Universities. Teaching & Learning Centers (T&L Centers) provide lecturers and teachers with the tools and training to strengthen the student-centered approach.

Study in UNITA

Hub of Success

The Hub of Success is a specific UNITA organization for supporting students on the internationalization of their study path. It comprises the following services:

For more information and support, you can contact the UNITA Offices or the UNITA’s Mobility Office of each institution. The contacts are provided below, in the contact section.

Bachelors and Masters

Check each University Webpage to see their formative offer:


To find out about all the opportunities that the Alliance can offer, access the Newsletters and podcasts, please visit the Web Site: http://univ-unita.eu/

You can also visit and follow us through our social networks:

Facebook   Twitter   Youtube   Instagram   Linkedin   Newsletter

You can ask for more information by contacting the UNITA's Mobility Office:

Or the UNITA's Offices:



Situada na Covilhã, em altitudes que variam de 450 a 800 m, é uma das mais jovens universidades portuguesas. Apresenta-se como uma comunidade viva e vibrante, reconhecida pela qualidade do seu desempenho no ensino, investigação e transferência de conhecimento.

É caracterizada por criar os seus polos universitários em antigas edificações fabris da cidade, resultando num enorme benefício para a cidade, em termos urbanísticos e de impacto ambiental, através da recuperação de edifícios abandonados ou em ruínas que constituíam parte significativa do património industrial covilhanense, fazendo da UBI um caso único na universidade portuguesa, com um forte compromisso com a região.



Na UBI, existem 5 residências universitárias, podendo ainda usufruir de alguns serviços de apoio (lavandaria, internet wireless em alguns espaços de convívio e limpeza diária nas áreas de utilização comum). Existe um website para encontrar estadia de curto e médio prazo.

Na Covilhã, e nas Penhas da Saúde (aldeia de montanha no coração da Serra da Estrela) existem vários hotéis onde pode ficar. Dentre eles, recomendamos os seguintes, mais próximos da UBI:


A UBI dispõe de 4 cantinas, 2 buffets e 8 bares. As cantinas funcionam das 12 às 14 (almoço) e das 19 às 20h30 (jantar – Cantina de Stº António). Durante os fins de semana, existe a possibilidade de encontrar o Bar da Biblioteca Central aberto.

A refeição social é servida em todas as cantinas e é constituída por sopa, prato, salada, pão, fruta ou sobremesa e bebida em copo. As cantinas dispõem ainda da opção "Take-Away".

Para obter a lista de restaurantes da região, veja aqui.

Ser Estudante

Como aluno terá um cartão de estudante da UBI, a sua própria conta, acesso à rede sem fios, ao software SPSS (versões 26, 27 e 28), à VPN e a poder imprimir nas impressoras da UBI. Para todas as informações pode consultar aqui ou contactar os serviços de informática através do helpdesk.si@ubi.pt.

O Gabinete de Internacionalização é o serviço responsável pela coordenação, dinamização, acompanhamento e operacionalização da internacionalização no âmbito da coordenação e mobilidade académica.

Com função de defesa, zelo e promoção dos direitos e interesses dos estudantes, no âmbito da UBI, poderá contar com o Provedor do Estudante.

A UBI tem um Centro Académico Pastoral: um espaço Cristão aberto a todos os estudantes independentemente da sua crença religiosa.

A Biblioteca da UBI é um espaço ímpar na academia e as suas três bibliotecas disponibilizam milhares de obras físicas e digitais. Com exceção das duas salas de leitura, funcionam em regime contínuo 24h x 24h, 7 dias por semana, 365 dias no ano.

A Biblioteca na Web:

Tem à disposição serviços de apoio médico e desportivo a todos os estudantes e restante comunidade académica através de serviços prestados no Centro de Apoio Médico e Desportivo da UBI. É também disponibilizado o Gabinete de Apoio Psicológico (GAP) para consultas.

De forma a promover a prática do voluntariado na comunidade académica a UBI dispõe de um espaço virtual que acolhe membros da comunidade ubiana para desenvolvimento de ações de cariz social e outras atividades que promovam a igualdade, a diversidade, a solidariedade e a coesão social, dentro e fora da instituição.


Para qualquer informação que necessitar sobre a Universidade consulte aqui.

Para informações sobre a cidade da Covilhã consulte aqui.

Para informações sobre a Serra da Estrela consulte aqui.

UBI - Geral: 275 319 700
UBI – Serviços Académicos: 275 320 690
UBI – Gabinete de Internacionalização: 275 242 061
Polícia (PSP) Covilhã: 275 320 920
Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) Covilhã: 275 320 660
Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira: 275 330 000
Centro de Saúde da Covilhã: 275 320 650
Número de Emergência (INEM): 112
Bombeiros da Covilhã: 275 310 310
Comboios de Portugal: 707 210 220
Central de Camionagem da Covilhã: 275 313 506

Indicativo de Portugal: 00351

Located in Covilhã, at altitudes ranging from 450 to 800 m, it is one of the youngest Portuguese universities. It presents itself as a lively and vibrant community, recognized for the quality of its performance in teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

It is characterized by creating its university centers in old industrial buildings in the city, resulting in an enormous benefit for the city, in terms of urban planning and environmental impact, through the recovery of abandoned or ruined buildings that constituted a significant part of the industrial heritage of Covilhã, making UBI a unique case in the Portuguese university, with a strong commitment to the region.



At UBI, there are 5 university residences, and you can enjoy some support services (laundry, wireless internet in some social spaces and daily cleaning in common areas). There is also a website to find short- and medium-term stays.

In Covilhã there are several hotels where you can stay. Among them, we recommend the following, closest to UBI:


UBI has 4 canteens, 2 buffets and 8 bars. The canteens are open from 12 pm to 2 pm (lunch) and from 7 pm to 8.30 pm (dinner – Cantina de Stº António). During the weekends, there is a possibility to find the Central Library Bar open.

The social meal is served in all the canteens and consists of soup, main dish, salad, bread, fruit or dessert and drink in a glass. The canteens also have the "Take-Away" option.

For a list of restaurants in the region, clickhere.

Be a Student

As a student, you will have a UBI student card, your own account, access to the wireless network, to the SPSS software (versions 26, 27 and 28), VPN and be able to print on UBI printers. For all information you can consult here or contact the IT services through helpdesk.si@ubi.pt.

The Internationalization Office is the service responsible for the coordination, dynamization, monitoring and operationalization of internationalization within the scope of academic coordination and mobility.

With the function of defending, zealous and promoting the rights and interests of students, within the scope of UBI, you can count on the Student Ombudsman.

UBI has an Academic Pastoral Center: a Christian space open to all students regardless of their religious belief.

The UBI Libraries are a unique space in the academy. The three libraries offer thousands of physical and digital works. With the exception of the two reading rooms, they are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The Library on the Web

It has medical and sports support services available to all students and the rest of the academic community through services provided at the UBI Medical and Sports Support Center. The Psychological Support Office (GAP) is also available for consultations.

To promote the practice of volunteering in the academic community, UBI has a virtual space that welcomes members of the Ubian community to develop social actions and other activities that promote equality, diversity, solidarity and social cohesion, within and outside the institution.


For any information you need about the University, here.

For information about Covilhã, here.

For information about Serra da Estrela, here.

UBI - General: 275 319 700
UBI - Academic Services: 275 320 690
UBI - Internationalization Office: 275 242 061
Police (PSP) Covilha: 275 320 920
National Republican Guard (GNR) Covilhã: 275 320 660
Cova da Beira Hospital Center: 275 330 000
Covilhã Health Center: 275 320 650
Emergency Number (INEM): 112
Covilhã Fire Brigade: 275 310 310
Trains from Portugal: 707 210 220
Covilhã Bus Station: 275 313 506

Portugal code: 00351