What is it?

An Alliance between six Universities, from five countries, located in rural and cross-border mountain regions across southern, central and eastern Europe, and sharing Romance languages origins.


Build an inspiring European inter-university campus based both on excellence in learning and teaching and on research and innovation for and with the territories.



Why choose UNITA?

The Best Physical Mobility - You can attend a period of face-to-face studies, share your knowledge, or put it into practice with an internship at one of the UNITA's universities and experience a transformative cultural immersion:
· Learn with different teaching methods
· Contribute to rural territories development:
· Discover territories - people, culture, and nature;
· Learn and practice the inter-comprehension method;
· Develop team work and communication skills, and
· Improve your academic background.

Mobility for Students, Teachers and Staff

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA Rural Mobility

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

Virtual Mobility

Attend distance learning courses offered by a partner university, in a synchronous or asynchronous mode.

UNITA Doctoral Cotutelle Mobilities

Develop a joint research program within UNITA;

Enjoy a period of study and research in a foreign environment;

Experience different research methods and contribute to the development of rural and cross-border mountain regions, as you progress with your investigation.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Training

Participate in a training session at one of UNITA’s institutions, share experiences and acquire knowledge and good practices. Acquire and improve practical skills that are relevant to your current position and also to your professional development.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

More Offers


New way of documenting and certifying skills, to encourage and facilitate alternative learning pathways: shorter, more targeted and more flexible.


  • Quality: the content is quality-assured and that the format is secure – use of digital tools; and

  • Recognition:

    • learning outcomes: specific intellectual and practical skills;

    • make sure that skills are well recognized for labour market.

Research & Innovation Hubs

UNITA can contribute to the development of rural and mountain areas through promoting the value of the natural resources for renewable energy, developing networks of circular economy (including bio-economy), linking different economic activities (agriculture, tourism, industry and crafts), promoting the richness of the cultural and linguistic heritage, and optimizing the relationship among the different actors of each ecosystem.


The hubs from each thematic areas are:

  • Renewable energy: energy transition and resource management.

  • Circular economy: including Bio-economy: networking and opening-up of economies.

  • Cultural heritage: enhancement of the heritage and identity of the territories.

T&L Centers

To promote knowledge, growth and pedagogical approaches, best practices are identified through the exchange of information, methods, and techniques between different Universities. Teaching & Learning Centers (T&L Centers) provide lecturers and teachers with the tools and training to strengthen the student-centered approach.

Study in UNITA

Hub of Success

The Hub of Success is a specific UNITA organization for supporting students on the internationalization of their study path. It comprises the following services:

For more information and support, you can contact the UNITA Offices or the UNITA’s Mobility Office of each institution. The contacts are provided below, in the contact section.

Bachelors and Masters

Check each University Webpage to see their formative offer:


To find out about all the opportunities that the Alliance can offer, access the Newsletters and podcasts, please visit the Web Site: http://univ-unita.eu/

You can also visit and follow us through our social networks:

Facebook   Twitter   Youtube   Instagram   Linkedin   Newsletter

You can ask for more information by contacting the UNITA's Mobility Office:

Or the UNITA's Offices:



Fondata nel 1404, l’Università degli Studi di Torino (UniTo) è una delle più antiche e prestigiose università italiane: hanno studiato qui molti protagonisti del XX secolo come Antonio Gramsci, Piero Gobetti, Norberto Bobbio, Cesare Pavese, Primo Levi e Umberto Eco, così come i tre Premi Nobel per la Medicina: Salvatore Luria, Rita Levi Montalcini, Renato Dulbecco e due Presidenti della Repubblica, Luigi Einaudi e Giuseppe Saragat.


Costituisce un ecosistema composto da sette grandi poli articolati in 27 Dipartimenti e più di 100 sedi su tutto il territorio regionale.

Con oltre 81.000 studenti e studentesse e oltre 4000 dipendenti (a.a. 2021-2022), tra corpo docente e staff amministrativo, UniTo offre oltre 150 corsi di studio tra ciclo unico, primo e secondo livello in ogni area di studio: economica, giuridico e politico-sociale, umanistica, scientifica e sanitaria. Completano l'offerta formativa 38 corsi di dottorato di ricerca e più di 110 master di primo e secondo livello.

Un crescente numero di corsi è erogato in lingua inglese e sono disponibili corsi di Italiano per i circa 5.000 studenti internazionali dell'Ateneo.

La forte vocazione di UniTo all’internazionalizzazione è testimoniata da più di 400 accordi con altre università in tutto il mondo, dai tanti progetti di scambio per promuovere la mobilità in entrata e in uscita e da un impegno costante nella cooperazione scientifica e didattica con altri Paesi.

In particolare, dal 2020 UniTo coordina il consorzio UNITA - Universitas montium: un’alleanza di 6 università (Università di Torino, Università da Beira Interior, Università di Zaragoza, Università di Pau e dei Paesi dell’Adour, Università Savoie-Mont Blanc, Università di Vest Din Timișoara) che intende costruire un campus inter-universitario di eccellenza, in grado di diventare polo di attrazione per studenti europei ed extra-europei, sfruttando anche la forza del plurilinguismo come fattore di inclusione.

Programmi di finanziamento internazionali e locali, sia pubblici che privati, supportano l’impegno dell’Università verso l’innovazione e la ricerca.

UniTo è estremamente consapevole del suo ruolo nella comunità locale, promuove il trasferimento di conoscenza alle imprese tramite brevetti e spin-off. In particolare, UniTo vanta competenze industriali specifiche nei seguenti ambiti: agrifood, circular & bioeconomy, beni culturali, energia e ambiente, settore bancario e finanziario, salute, mobilità e trasporti, tecnologie smart per l’industria e le imprese, scienza dello spazio.

L’Ateneo è impegnato pubblicamente sui temi della sostenibilità economica, sociale e ambientale: ogni anno viene pubblicato il Rapporto di sostenibilità, un documento annuale che dà conto agli stakeholders degli impegni etico-pratici e dell’impatto dell’Università di Torino sui territori e le persone che li abitano.

La comunità di UniTo ha a disposizione 22 biblioteche con pieno accesso a internet, l’orto botanico e numerosi musei universitari; servizi universitari, mense e comode strutture sportive.

Informazioni utili per studenti/studentesse


With over 81.000 students (a.y. 2021-2022) and over 4,000 academic and administrative staff, the University of Torino (UniTo) in north-west Italy is one of the country's largest and most prestigious universities.

The University, founded in 1404, provides quality higher education and research opportunities; many UniTo graduates have achieved international renown.


Today, the University of Torino offers over 150 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in almost every field of study.

At UniTo, there are 5 university residences, and you can also enjoy some support services (laundry, wireless internet in some social spaces and daily cleaning in common areas).

A growing number of programs are taught in English, and Italian language tuition is available for incoming students.

The University's 27 departments offer excellent opportunities for Italian and non-Italian academic staff. Doctoral school provides 38 doctoral programs.


International and local funding programs, both public and private, support the University’s commitment to innovation and research.

UniTo is extremely aware of its role in the local community, promotes knowledge transfer to industry through patent licensing and spin-offs, and engages publicly with science, respecting economic, social and environmental sustainability.

About 5,000 international students (a.y. 2021-2022) and more than 400 agreements with other universities all over the world enhance UniTo’s international dimension.

UniTo is also partner of UNITA - Universitas Montium, an alliance of six comprehensive research universities from five countries: Universidade Beira Interior - UBI Portugal, Université de Pau et de Pays de l'Adour, Universidad de Zaragoza - UNIZAR Spain, Université Savoie Mont Blanc - USMB France and Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara West - UVT Romania.

Students and academic staff can make use of 22 libraries with full access to the web, the Botanical Garden and a number of university museums; university accommodation, university canteens, and well-situated sports facilities.

Torino is a lively, people-oriented city and boasts a wide variety of cultural resources: historic buildings, world-class museums and galleries, as well as numerous exhibitions and fairs.

The city’s parks and 2 rivers together with the nearby mountains and lakes provide a great leisure environment.

Useful information for international students
