What is it?

An Alliance between six Universities, from five countries, located in rural and cross-border mountain regions across southern, central and eastern Europe, and sharing Romance languages origins.


Build an inspiring European inter-university campus based both on excellence in learning and teaching and on research and innovation for and with the territories.



Why choose UNITA?

The Best Physical Mobility - You can attend a period of face-to-face studies, share your knowledge, or put it into practice with an internship at one of the UNITA's universities and experience a transformative cultural immersion:
· Learn with different teaching methods
· Contribute to rural territories development:
· Discover territories - people, culture, and nature;
· Learn and practice the inter-comprehension method;
· Develop team work and communication skills, and
· Improve your academic background.

Mobility for Students, Teachers and Staff

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA Rural Mobility

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

Virtual Mobility

Attend distance learning courses offered by a partner university, in a synchronous or asynchronous mode.

UNITA Doctoral Cotutelle Mobilities

Develop a joint research program within UNITA;

Enjoy a period of study and research in a foreign environment;

Experience different research methods and contribute to the development of rural and cross-border mountain regions, as you progress with your investigation.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Training

Participate in a training session at one of UNITA’s institutions, share experiences and acquire knowledge and good practices. Acquire and improve practical skills that are relevant to your current position and also to your professional development.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

More Offers


New way of documenting and certifying skills, to encourage and facilitate alternative learning pathways: shorter, more targeted and more flexible.


  • Quality: the content is quality-assured and that the format is secure – use of digital tools; and

  • Recognition:

    • learning outcomes: specific intellectual and practical skills;

    • make sure that skills are well recognized for labour market.

Research & Innovation Hubs

UNITA can contribute to the development of rural and mountain areas through promoting the value of the natural resources for renewable energy, developing networks of circular economy (including bio-economy), linking different economic activities (agriculture, tourism, industry and crafts), promoting the richness of the cultural and linguistic heritage, and optimizing the relationship among the different actors of each ecosystem.


The hubs from each thematic areas are:

  • Renewable energy: energy transition and resource management.

  • Circular economy: including Bio-economy: networking and opening-up of economies.

  • Cultural heritage: enhancement of the heritage and identity of the territories.

T&L Centers

To promote knowledge, growth and pedagogical approaches, best practices are identified through the exchange of information, methods, and techniques between different Universities. Teaching & Learning Centers (T&L Centers) provide lecturers and teachers with the tools and training to strengthen the student-centered approach.

Study in UNITA

Hub of Success

The Hub of Success is a specific UNITA organization for supporting students on the internationalization of their study path. It comprises the following services:

For more information and support, you can contact the UNITA Offices or the UNITA’s Mobility Office of each institution. The contacts are provided below, in the contact section.

Bachelors and Masters

Check each University Webpage to see their formative offer:


To find out about all the opportunities that the Alliance can offer, access the Newsletters and podcasts, please visit the Web Site: http://univ-unita.eu/

You can also visit and follow us through our social networks:

Facebook   Twitter   Youtube   Instagram   Linkedin   Newsletter

You can ask for more information by contacting the UNITA's Mobility Office:

Or the UNITA's Offices:



L'université Savoie Mont Blanc est implantée sur deux départements (Savoie et Haute-Savoie) dans la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Elle se situe au cœur des Alpes françaises, aux frontières de la Suisse et de l’Italie. L’université est répartie en 3 campus : Annecy, Le Bourget-du-Lac et Jacob-Bellecombette. L’université compte 15 000 étudiantes et étudiants, 7 écoles et facultés et 18 laboratoires de recherche reconnus sur le plan international. L’offre de formation se compose de cursus courts (Diplômes d’université, Diplômes universitaires de technologie) et longs (Licences, Masters, Doctorats et aussi Diplômes d’ingénieurs), en formation initiale, en formation continue, en alternance ou en Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE), sur place ou à distance.

Vivre sur le territoire Savoie Mont Blanc


Pour les étudiantes et étudiants, le CROUS (centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires) propose des résidences étudiantes sur les 3 campus avec une capacités d’accueil de plus de 1 000 places. Pour les étudiantes et étudiants en programme d’échange : la demande est à faire au moment de votre candidature en ligne sur le site de l’Université. Pour celles et ceux hors programme d’échange : vous pouvez faire une demande de logement : logement.chambery@crous-grenoble.fr

Vous pouvez aussi trouver un logement en ville. Voici quelques sites que vous pouvez regarder (Chambéry; Annecy; Aix-les-Bains). Il vous faudra un garant ou une garante. Si vous ne connaissez personne en France, vous pouvez vous renseigner sur visale.fr.

Vous pouvez demander une aide au logement ici. Pour les personnes venant pour un séjour court, la région offre de nombreux hôtels qui pourront vous accueillir.



L’université compte entre 3 et 4 restaurants universitaire (RU) par campus. Ils sont ouverts du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 14h. Seuls quelques-uns proposent un service de restauration le soir de 18h30 à 19h30 : Pizzeria Hélice et le RU La Chautagne sur le campus Bourget-du-Lac. Il n’y a pas de service de restauration le weekend. Un repas complet comprenant une entrée, un plat garni et un fromage ou un dessert, tous les midis de la semaine pour 3,30 € ou 1 € pour les étudiantes et étudiants boursiers.

Il existe aussi des cafétérias, présentes sur les campus ; qui proposent : une formule midi (un sandwich, une boisson, un yaourt ou un fruit) et une formule petit déjeuner (une boisson chaude, un croissant, pain – beurre – confiture, un jus d’orange) à manger sur place ou à emporter.

Pour plus de détails sur la restauration universitaire, cliquez ici.

Etudier à l’USMB

Carte étudiante

Les étudiante et étudiants de l’USMB bénéficient d’un PASS Etudiant pour :

Retrouvez quelques conseils pratiques pour votre arrivée à l’USMB

Bibliothèque :

L’USMB a une bibliothèque universitaire (BU) sur chaque campus. Elles proposent des espaces de travail diversifiés, ainsi que du matériel papier et numérique empruntable. Pour consulter les horaires d’ouverture et services de chaque bibliothèque :

Santé :

Un service de santé est présent sur chaque campus, il est ouvert à tous les étudiantes et étudiants inscrit à l’université et les consultations sont gratuites. Selon leurs besoins, les étudiantes et étudiants peuvent consulter :

Un secrétariat permet de prendre rendez-vous. La confidentialité des entretiens est garantie par le secret professionnel.

Consultez cette page pour la prise de rendez médicaux dans les services de santé.

Job étudiant :

Vous pouvez trouver des emplois étudiants sur plusieurs plateformes. Voici quelques suggestions :

Si vous souhaitez faire du bénévolat, vous pouvez regarder cette page : Mission bénévole.

Vie associative :

L’université compte 40 associations étudiantes sur tous les campus. Elles sont culturelles, sportives, citoyennes ou solidaires et sont un formidable moyen de rencontrer d’autres étudiantes et étudiants.

Si vous avez un projet, vous pouvez créer votre propre association avec le soutien de l’USMB. Vous pouvez lire cette page pour en apprendre plus.

Intégration :

L’USMB a un Pôle dédié à l’accueil des étudiantes et étudiants internationaux. Il est là pour vous accompagner et répondre à vos questions. Vous pouvez consulter cette page pour mieux préparer votre arrivée à l’USMB.


Pour toute information à propos de l’USMB : https://www.univ-smb.fr/
Pour contacter le Pôle Accueil : incoming.students@univ-smb.fr
Si vous avez des question sur les mobilités dans UNITA: mobilite-unita@univ-smb.fr

Pour des informations sur les villes :

The university Savoie Mont Blanc is located in two French areas (Savoie and Haute-Savoie), in the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. It is at the heart of French Alps, at the border of Switzerland and Italy. The university is divided in 3 campuses: Annecy, Bourget du Lac and Chambéry. The university welcomes 15 000 students, 7 faculties and departments and 18 research laboratories recognised internationally. The training offers proposes short curricula (University diplomas), long curricula (bachelor, master and PhD, as well as engineering diplomas), for initial training lifelong learning, with apprenticeship or validation of prior experience, on site or remotely.

Living in Savoie Mont Blanc


For students, the CROUS offers student accommodation on the 3 campuses, with around 1 000 spots. For students coming with an exchange program, the request can be done at the same time as your application to come to USMB. For students coming with no exchange program, the request can be sent at logement.chambery@crous-grenoble.fr

You can also find accommodation in the cities. You can check some websites (Chambéry; Annecy; Aix-les-Bains). You will need a gurantor. If you do not know anyone in France, you can find information on visale.fr.

You can also apply for a “housing help grant” here. For short-term visits, UNITA guests can also opt for a hotel. The cities offer many hotels that can welcome you.



USMB counts 3 to 4 university restaurants on each campus. They are open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 2pm. Only a few offer evening meals: Pizzeria Hélice and La Chautagne on the Bourget-du-Lac campus. There is no food service on weekends. A complete lunch composed of a starter, a main dish and cheese or desert costs 3,30 € for a student and 1 € for students receiving a scholarship granted on social grounds.

In addition, you will find cafeterias on campuses, offering: lunch menus (a sandwich, a drink, a yogurt or a fruit) and a breakfast menu (a hot drink, a croissant, bread with butter and jam and orange juice).

For more information on university canteens, click here.


Be a Student

Student Pass

USMB students get a USMB students get a Student Pass to :

Practicals tips for your arrival at the USMB


USMB has a university library (BU) on each campus. They offer a variety of work spaces and borrowable paper and digital material. To consult the opening hours and services of each library:



A health department is located on each campus. They are open to all students registered at the university and the consultations are free. According to their needs, students can see:

A secretariat allows students to make an appointment. The confidentiality of the interviews is guaranteed by the professional secrecy.

Visit this page to take medical appointments in the health department.

Student jobs

You can find student jobs on several webpages. Here are a few suggestions:

If you wish to volunteer, you can also do so. Here is a webapage you can have a look at: Mission bénévole.

Student association

The university counts 40 associations on the 3 campuses. The themes are varied, sport, culture, citizen projects, etc. they are a great way to meet other students.

If you have a project, you ca, create your own association with the support of USMB. You can read this page to learn more.



USMB has a Welcome Center dedicated to the integration of international students. It aims to support you and answer your questions. You can look at this page to better prepare your arrival at USMB.


For any information you need about the University, https://www.univ-smb.fr/
To contact the Welcome Center: incoming.students@univ-smb.fr
If you have any question about mobilities within UNITA: mobilite-unita@univ-smb.fr

For information about the cities: