An Alliance between six Universities, from five countries, located in rural and cross-border mountain regions across southern, central and eastern Europe, and sharing Romance languages origins.
Build an inspiring European inter-university campus based both on excellence in learning and teaching and on research and innovation for and with the territories.
The Best Physical Mobility - You can attend a period of face-to-face studies, share your
or put it into practice with an internship at one of the UNITA's universities and experience a
cultural immersion:
· Learn with different teaching methods
· Contribute to rural territories development:
· Discover territories - people, culture, and nature;
· Learn and practice the inter-comprehension method;
· Develop team work and communication skills, and
· Improve your academic background.
Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.
Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).
Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.
Attend distance learning courses offered by a partner university, in a synchronous or asynchronous mode.
Develop a joint research program within UNITA;
Enjoy a period of study and research in a foreign environment;
Experience different research methods and contribute to the development of rural and cross-border mountain regions, as you progress with your investigation.
Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.
Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.
Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).
Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.
Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.
Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).
Participate in a training session at one of UNITA’s institutions, share experiences and acquire knowledge and good practices. Acquire and improve practical skills that are relevant to your current position and also to your professional development.
Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.
New way of documenting and certifying skills, to encourage and facilitate alternative learning pathways: shorter, more targeted and more flexible.
Portability: the learner is able to share credentials, to translate them from one context to another - Storage, Stackable, and Modularity;
Quality: the content is quality-assured and that the format is secure – use of digital tools; and
learning outcomes: specific intellectual and practical skills;
make sure that skills are well recognized for labour market.
UNITA can contribute to the development of rural and mountain areas through promoting the value of the natural resources for renewable energy, developing networks of circular economy (including bio-economy), linking different economic activities (agriculture, tourism, industry and crafts), promoting the richness of the cultural and linguistic heritage, and optimizing the relationship among the different actors of each ecosystem.
The hubs from each thematic areas are:
Renewable energy: energy transition and resource management.
Circular economy: including Bio-economy: networking and opening-up of economies.
Cultural heritage: enhancement of the heritage and identity of the territories.
To promote knowledge, growth and pedagogical approaches, best practices are identified through the exchange of information, methods, and techniques between different Universities. Teaching & Learning Centers (T&L Centers) provide lecturers and teachers with the tools and training to strengthen the student-centered approach.
The Hub of Success is a specific UNITA organization for supporting students on the internationalization of their study path. It comprises the following services:
Advise students on how to plan mobility based on the matrix of recognizable activities related to the 3 strategic thematics: cultural heritage, circular economy, renewable energy;
Educational counselling and monitoring of students participating in physical mobility;
Support students in the identification and the formal recognition of skills related to an international mobility experience.
For more information and support, you can contact the UNITA Offices or the UNITA’s Mobility Office of each institution. The contacts are provided below, in the contact section.
Check each University Webpage to see their formative offer:
To find out about all the opportunities that the Alliance can offer, access the Newsletters and podcasts, please visit the Web Site:
You can also visit and follow us through our social networks:
Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Linkedin Newsletter
You can ask for more information by contacting the UNITA's Mobility Office:
Or the UNITA's Offices:
Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara este a patra cea mai mare universitate din România și
cel mai important centru academic din partea de vest a țării. UVT este un lider regional pe
piața educației și oferă un mediu intelectual modern și plin de viață, metode de predare inovatoare,
centrate pe studenți și programe de studiu de relevanță internațională.
UVT a fost înființată prin decret regal în 1944. De peste 75 de ani, UVT a construit o reputație academică puternică de excelență, care atrage profesori și studenți din întreaga lume într-un mediu multicultural, deschis și prietenos.
Sunteți întâmpinați cu drag la UVT, o universitate dinamică ce oferă resursele sale materiale și intelectuale astfel încât studenții să poată atinge cel mai înalt potențial și să devină cea mai bună versiune a lor.
Cazarea pentru oaspeții UNITA poate fi asigurată în căminele UVT situate în zona studențească și în oraș (vezi harta).
Studenții pot fi cazați în cămine UVT cu camere duble (baie comună), camere triple (baie privată), camere cu 4 sau 5 paturi (baie comună) și cu o serie de facilități (internet, TV prin cablu, facilități de spălătorie, săli de lectură, bucătărie comună etc.), la un buget prietenos pentru studenți.
O altă opțiune este de a închiria un apartament în oraș. Această opțiune este mai costisitoare, costul mediu pentru un apartament cu două camere este de aproximativ 300 euro/lună, dar acest lucru depinde de locație (mai central = mai scump).
Pentru vizite pe termen scurt, oaspeții UNITA pot opta și pentru un hotel. Deoarece Universitatea este situată la câțiva pași de centrul orașului, orice variantă a unui hotel din zona centrală a Timișoarei ar fi o opțiune adecvată.
În cadrul și în jurul universității există o serie de opțiuni alimentare disponibile:
În clădirea centrală a universității este o cantină dedicată servirii mesei. Aceasta are avantajul faptului că este poziționată în cadrul universității, fiind astfel posibil să te bucuri de o masă între orele de curs, sau înainte de a merge la locul de cazare.
Chiar vizavi de clădirea centrală a universității te poți bucura de o băutură sau de o masă la o varietate de restaurante și bistrouri, alături de localnicii din Timișoara.
Restaurantele din complexul studențesc sunt variate, accesibile și aproape de căminele studențești.
Amintește-ți că mâncarea cea mai sănătoasă și eficientă este cea făcută de tine! Cumpărarea produselor direct de la piață și pregătirea lor în bucătăria căminului sau a chiriei te va ajuta să economisești destul de mulți bani!
UVT este o instituție multidisciplinară, comprehensivă, cu 11 facultăți și un Departament pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic, cu sedii situate în clădiri istorice sau în construcții noi, situate în zona centrală a Timișoarei.
UVT oferă o gamă largă de beneficii, facilități și oportunități care sprijină procesul educațional și integrarea socială a studenților, consilierea lor și dezvoltarea lor personală.
Studenții au acces la o serie de facilități IT:
platforma Moodle eLearning UVT
adresa de e-mail instituțională @e-uvt (cont dezvoltat pe platforma Gmail)
lista completă a funcțiilor Gmail prin e-mail G Suite, pe baza adresei de e-mail instituționale;
stocare nelimitată în Google Drive, pe baza adresei de e-mail instituționale;
accesul la pachetul de aplicații G Suite for Education, pe baza adresei de e-mail instituționale;
card european pentru studenți ușor de generat;
Studenții pot de asemenea să se bucure de alte facilități:
transport public local gratuit;
reducerea transportului feroviar național;
reduceri pentru vizitele la instituțiile culturale din Timișoara;
acces gratuit la rețeaua publică de biciclete și trotinete;
accesul la facilitățile sportive UVT;
consultații, tratamente și controale medicale gratuite la policlinica studențească din Timișoara;
Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Eugen Todoran” oferă studenților o gamă complexă de cărți, reviste, articole și publicații electronice, într-o clădire modernă cu săli de lectură bine iluminate și confortabile și cu acces la raft la colecțiile organizate pe domenii de studiu. Multe dintre resursele bibliotecii sunt disponibile online pe
În cazul eventualelor dificultăți în ceea ce privește activitățile academice și dincolo de acestea, specialiștii de la Centrul de Consiliere și Orientare în Carieră pot oferi sprijin și consiliere. Fiecare student poate beneficia de sprijin pentru dezvoltarea personală și profesională, în principal sub formă de:
consiliere educațională și vocațională
consiliere de carieră
consiliere în scopul dezvoltării personale
Programarea este la un e-mail distanță, la
Studenții sunt încurajați să fie implicați civic și li se oferă posibilitatea de a acumula credite ECTS pentru implicarea lor în activități de voluntariat. Experiența dobândită prin aceste activități contribuie la dezvoltarea personală și profesională prin adăugarea la cunoștințele și abilitățile dezvoltate prin activitatea lor academică. Mai multe detalii despre opțiunile de voluntariat sunt disponibile aici.
Pe parcursul anului sunt organizate o serie de evenimente dedicate întregii comunități studențești, precum festivalul Univibes, StudentFest, ITFest, Săptămâna de Inițiere sau Ceremonia de Absolvire organizată la finalul fiecărui an universitar.
Departamentul de Relații Internaționale reprezintă nucleul activităților internaționale din cadrul universității și este disponibil pentru discuții despre o gamă largă de oportunități care implică mobilități, granturi, evenimente și multe altele la și .
Pentru informații suplimentare despre Departamentul de Relații Internaționale vă rugăm să consultați acest link.
Pentru informații suplimentare despre Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara vă rugăm să consultați acest link.
Pentru informații suplimentare despre orașul Timișoara vă rugăm să consultați acest link.
West University of Timișoara is the fourth largest university in Romania and the most important
academic centre in the western part of the country. UVT is a regional leader on the education market
and offers a modern and lively intellectual environment, innovative, student-centred teaching methods,
and study programmes of international relevance.
UVT was established by Royal Decree in 1944. Over more than 75 years, UVT has built a strong academic reputation of excellence, which attracts professors and students from all over the world in a multicultural, open, and friendly environment.
You are warmly welcomed to UVT, a dynamic university which offers its material and intellectual resources so that the students can reach their highest potential and become their best.
Accommodation for UNITA guests can be provided in UVT dormitories situated in the student area and in the city (See map).
Students can be accommodated in UVT dormitories with double rooms (shared bathroom), triple rooms (private bathroom), 4 or 5 beds rooms (shared bathroom) and with a series of facilities (internet, cable TV, laundry facilities, study rooms, shared kitchen etc.), at a student-friendly budget.
Another option is to rent a flat in the city. This option is more expensive, the average cost for a two rooms apartment is around 300 euro/month, but this depends according to the location (more central = more expensive).
For short-terms visits, UNITA guests can also opt for a hotel. As the university is located within walking distance from the city centre, any variant of a hotel in the central area of Timișoara would be an adequate option.
Within and around the university there are a number of food options available:
In the university`s main building there is a buffet dedicated to serving food. It has the advantage of being positioned within the university, which allows you to enjoy a meal between classes or before going to your accommodation.
Right across the street from UVT main building, you can enjoy a drink or a meal at a variety of bistros and restaurants and mingle with the locals in Timișoara.
The restaurants in the Student Complex are varied, accessible and close to the student dormitories.
Remember that the most effective and healthy food is the one made by you! Buying the products directly from the market and preparing them in the kitchen of your dormitory or rent will help you save quite a lot of money!
UVT is a multi-disciplinary, comprehensive institution, with 11 faculties and a Teacher Training Department, with headquarters located in historical buildings or new constructions, placed throughout the central area of Timișoara.
UVT offers a wide range of benefits, facilities and opportunities that support the educational process, as well as the social integration of students, their counselling and their personal development.
Students have access to a series of IT facilities:
eLearning UVT Moodle platform;
@e-uvt institutional e-mail address (account developed on the GMail platform);
the full list of GMail features via G Suite e-mail, based on the institutional e-mail address;
unlimited storage in Google Drive, based on the institutional e-mail address;
access to the G Suite for Education application package, based on the institutional e-mail address;
easily generated European Student Card;
Students can also enjoy other facilities:
free local public transport;
reduced national rail transport;
discounts for visits to cultural institutions in Timișoara;
free access to the public bike and scooter network;
access to UVT sports facilities;
consultations, treatments and medical check-ups free of charge at the students' polyclinic in Timișoara;
The “Eugen Todoran” Central University provides students with a complex range of books, journals, articles and electronic publications, in a modern building with well-lit and comfortable reading rooms and with shelf access to collections organized by field of study. Many of the Library’s resources are available online at
In case of difficulties with the academic activities and beyond, the specialists from the Career Counseling and Guidance Center can provide support and counselling. Every student can benefit from support for their personal and professional development, mainly in the form of:
educational and vocational counseling
career counseling
counseling for personal optimization
An appointment is just an e-mail away, at
Students are encouraged to be civically involved and they are offered with the opportunity to accumulate ECTS credits for their involvement in volunteering. The experience gained through these activities contributes to their personal and professional development by adding to the knowledge and skills developed through their academic activity. More details about the volunteering options are available here.
Throughout the year, there are a series of events that are dedicated to the entire student community, such as Univibes festival, StudentFest, ITFest, Initiation Week or the Graduation Ceremony organized at the end of each academic year.
The Department of International Relations represents the core of international activities within the university and is available for discussions about a wide range of opportunities involving mobilities, grants, events and many more at and .
For any information about the Department of International Relations, see
For any information about the West University of Timișoara, see
For information about the city of Timișoara, see