The Matching Event DEVELOPING UNITA COMMUNITIES will take place in Torino from the 26th to the 27th of June. The event will begin with an initial plenary session followed by 9 parallel group-meeting sessions, each one dedicated to a Task Team of UNITA 2.0.
The invited Task Teams are the following:
TaskTeam 1.2 - Manage and coordinate UNITA
TaskTeam 2.3 - Education, Research and Innovation community
TaskTeam 3.1 - Personalised international learning path
TaskTeam 3.2 - Microcredentials for Life-Long Learning Education
TaskTeam 3.3 - Innovation in teaching & learning initiative
TaskTeam 4.1 - Inter-territorial interfaces for Innovation
TaskTeam 4.2 - Thematic Research hubs
TaskTeam 4.3 - Sharing of infrastructures
TaskTeam 4.4 - Graduate Schools in alliance focus areas
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