
CALL FOR PAPER  at FUCAPE Business school Brasil - UNITA Geminae partner

It is now open the CALL FOR PAPERS Reimagining Corporate Social Responsibility: Organizational Purpose and Human -AI Synergy.

The International conference will be held in  Victoria, Brazil next September 3-6, 2025 at the FUCAPE Business school, a Geminae partner.

This call it’s open to scholars and practitioners coming from the UNITA alliance and Geminae Partners. 

If you’re looking to contribute original research that illuminates the evolving nature of CSR in the contemporary business landscape this is your chance!

The focus is on both empirical and conceptual papers and innovative methodologies that push the boundaries of CSR researc especially in human purpose,  technological innovation and ethics.

The aim is to understand how integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning transforms business operations and redefines the essence of corporate responsibility. How can organizations leverage these powerful tools to enhance their CSR initiatives while maintaining a human-centric approach?

Remember there won’t be UNITA funds, you must use your research funds for the travel to the conference. 

More info on submissions and topics: 



Deadline: All papers and abstracts should be sent by June 15, 2025 

For any request please write to   




Open Positions at UNITA-Universitas Montium, IT Department

We are excited to announce two open positions at the European Alliance, UNITA-Universitas Montium. We are seeking qualified candidates for the following roles:

  1. Service Manager of the Applications Developed for the European University «UNITA Universitas Montium»
  2. Head of Development of the Applications Developed for the European University «UNITA Universitas Montium»

The full call for these positions, including detailed job descriptions and requirements, available here:

To apply, please send your resume and a cover letter via email to by  30 September, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding these positions, feel free to contact us at

We look forward to receiving your applications!


Job opportunity in Brussels: Project & Policy Officer
Are you passionate about European Higher Education policy and skilled in project management? Join our team at FOR-EU4ALL, a network of European Universities alliances of the European Commission’s flagship programme, the European Universities Initiative, funded by Erasmus+. You'll play a key role in supporting 64 European Universities alliances, driving policy dialogue, and managing impactful projects.

📍 Brussels, Belgium

💼 4 years, full-time (preferred)

📅 29 September 2024

👉 Contact Olga Wessels at


Ready to make a difference? Apply now!



The European University "UNITA" is hiring a GENERAL DIRECTOR for the «UNITA Universitas Montium-GEIE» who will plan and promote the activities of the EEIG as, for example: develop and manage training activities and certification activities for profit and non-profit, implement the liaison activities with relevant stakeholders in Brussels and in the national contexts, monitor European funding opportunities, develop sustainability strategies for the EEIG in the long term.

The general director is required to oversee all the business operations of the EEIG, including its financial performance. Part of a general director's job is to supervise executives and delegate work to them. They may also be required to assess problematic situations and developments and resolve them. Moreover, they must ensure that their company is constantly moving towards both its long-term and short-term goals. 

Terms of Employment:

  • 24-month contract
  • Annual gross salary of €80.000;
  • Location: Torino, Italy.

Email your CV and cover letter to UNITA at until September 30 2024.

Access the full announcement here 



Open Positions at UNITA-Universitas Montium, IT Department

We are excited to announce two open positions at the European Alliance, UNITA-Universitas Montium. We are seeking qualified candidates for the following roles:

  1. Service Manager of the Applications Developed for the European University «UNITA Universitas Montium»
  2. Head of Development of the Applications Developed for the European University «UNITA Universitas Montium»

The full call for these positions, including detailed job descriptions and requirements, available here:
Service Manager
Head of Development

To apply, please send your resume and a cover letter via email to by the 9th of August, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding these positions, feel free to contact us at

The interviews for the open positions will take place on the 21st of August, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your applications! 


ONLINE TRAINING COURSE ON IC TO BECOME IC TEACHERS: registration open until 31st may

The University Language Center of Turin (CLA-UniTO) is planning an online training course as part of the European Alliance "UNITA-Universitas Montium" program to become a teacher in Intercomprehension. 

The course aims at developing teaching skills in intercomprehension. Romance languages teachers and professors are welcome to participate, but also university students who are interested in foreign languages teaching.

The course will be online-only (Italy time zone) from 11 June to 25 July 2024 . Participants will be entitled to a final digital certification: Open Badge Formazione per Insegnanti di Intercomprensione 

The class will include a min. of 15 participants.


Registrations are open until the 31st may 2024 here

More info»




For the 3rd consecutive year, the UNITA Innovation Prize will spotlight the most innovative ideas.
This competition is open to all innovative project leaders, regardless of your specialty.
It welcomes all creative souls among students, professors, researchers, and startups; aiming to foster innovation in all its forms.

Teams have until June 10, 2024, to submit their applications.

Three winning teams will be selected by the Jury, and an award ceremony will take place on July 2, 2024!
1ST PRIZE: €2500 | 2ND PRIZE: €1500 | 3RD PRIZE: €1000


Contact: UNITA Office in your university



The UNITA photo and video competition offers to UNITA university members the possibility to share experiences and visions of European identity and citizenship.

The UNITA Photo & Video Contest is open to all UNITA students, teaching staff, researchers, and administrative/services staff.

Photographs and videos must have been taken or produced by the person submitting the work, must be original and must not have been previously exhibited or submitted to any other competition.

Each participant may only present a maximum of one piece of work in each Modality (I: Photo, II: Video).


Deadline for submissions: 31st May 2024.

Complete call and information on application process




Call for applications: 14 PhD positions under joint supervision offered in Cultural Heritage

As part of the UNITA Alliance, and under the coordination of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, 14 excellent Doctoral Candidates will enrol the CHORAL programme in Cultural Heritage.

CHORAL (Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages) is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie programme co-funded by the European Union. It is tied to the Cultural Heritage Hub, an international research network within the Unita Alliance, which structures its research ecosystem facing cultural related challenges.

CHORAL aims to train high-quality international researchers and to encourage the development of interdisciplinary, international and inter-sectoral research that addresses any aspect of Cultural Heritage.  

The successful candidates will enrol in PhD programs under joint supervision that will require an international mobility. Choral students will benefit from dedicated events and a tailored doctoral training programme.

Applications are open until March 22nd, 2024 for 14 grants on 25 PhD research topics in 7 universities of the UNITA Alliance (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Università di Torino, Universidad de Zaragoza, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Universidad Pública de Navarra and Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov) for  fully funded  3-years PhDs, starting on fall 2024.

Why undertake a CHORAL PhD?

  • Get high quality training and research guaranteed by the expertise of the UNITA Alliance Research Laboratories within the dedicated Cultural Heritage Hub.
  • Collaborate with partners and international leaders in Cultural Heritage.
  • Enjoy dedicated support: from reception to professional integration.
  • To be a player in the social, economic and cultural transformation of rural and cross-border mountain territories.
  • Benefit from dedicated mobility and travel allowances and research costs support.
  • Graduated with a double degree from 2 different European Universities.

For more details, please contact the choral support office at


The CHORAL doctoral programme (Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages)  led by UPPA, and co-financed by Universidad Publica de Navarra and Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, Università degli Studi di Brescia and Università di Torino, Italy, Université de Savoie Mont Blanc, France, and the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, within the framework of the Marie-Sklodovska-Curie COFUND actions, launches today a call for PhD's research topics devoted to cotutelles within UNITA.

CHORAL programme targets Graduate students holding a Master’s degree in Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities or Architecture and whose research topics are related to any aspect of Cultural Heritage.

14 full grants, corresponding to funding of 3 years’ salary for PhD Students, are associated to this call : 3 positions will be opened at UPPA and USMB, 2 positions will be opened at UNIBS, UNITO and UNITBV, 1 position will be opened at UNIZAR and UPNA.

The complete call will be composed of two phases. In the first one, we expect PhD research topics in line with the Choral programme, involving two supervisors in the UNITA alliance. Eligibility of the projects will be ensured by the Cultural Heritage Hub. In a second step, international students will have to answer a call and apply for position on the PhD research topics resulting from the first step.

Applications in English (including the research topic form and the ethics self-assessment) must be send by email at


  • Deadline for answering the call (1st phase): 13 December at 17.00 2023 (noon) CET
  • Eligibility check of the projects: December 2023
  • Opening of the call for student application (2nd phase): January 30th 2024
  • Starting of the Cotutelles thesis: September 2024



Re-UNITA Innovation Prize 2023

Following a successful first edition, Re-UNITA is organizing the second edition of the Innovation Prize. Three prizes will be awarded.

Who can enter? All researchers, students, PhD students, start-ups and spin-offs are eligible.

How to enter? Submissions must be made via the dedicated form before December 3, 2023. The report must be written in English, in pdf format and not exceed 10 pages. Only one idea/project may be submitted.

What are the prizes?

1st prize: €2,500

2nd prize: €1,500

3rd prize: €1000

Award ceremony: December 12, 2023





Call for innovative research projects for entrepreneurial initiatives

The name UNITA evokes the commitment of six universities (Università degli studi di Torino, Universidad de Zaragoza, Université Savoie-Mont Blanc, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Universidade da Beira Interior and Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) to a closer integration of their academic activities. Particularly, RE-UNITA project looks for sharing policies and practices related to research and innovation.

A Proof of Concept (PoC) is a demonstration or a prototype of a concept, idea or technology that is used to validate the feasibility and potential success of a project. A Proof of Concept project is typically a small-scale project that aims to prove the viability of an idea or technology, and to gather feedback from stakeholders.

In this context, RE-UNITA’s Seeding Proof of Concept program will provide seeding funding for a small proof of concept project among those presented by teams comprised of at least two UNITA partners. The objective of this call is to empower R&I based entrepreneurship in the UNITA community and to contribute to the cooperation between members of the different Universities of RE-UNITA project.

This call will be governed by the following rules:

1. Any research team within the six UNITA partners is eligible to participate. Every team has to be composed by participants at least from 2 different Universities in the Alliance. A member of the team from a UNITA University can be any person considered an affiliate of this University, and may include students, PhD students, post-docs, tenured professors, researchers, etc.

2. Applications will consist in a 8-pages maximum report describing a Proof of Concept project; this report will follow the next guidelines:

a) The report will have to introduce the project by describing the context, the problem to solve and the opportunities it may raise in the market, other solutions available if they exist and R&I results that support the Proof of Concept project (up to 2 pages).

b) The report will also have to describe how the project is going to be developed, including a roadmap of proposed activities, a presentation of the team and its ability to perform these activities, and the innovative approach to the solution of the problem. A brief explanation of how the budget will be spent connected to a timetable of activities should also be included (up to 4 pages).

c) The impact of the project has to be clearly addressed. Its innovation potential, which may include aspects such as IP policy, technology transfer, startup creation, etc, has to be openly defined (up to 2 pages).

d) There will be a corresponding researcher from the team that will be the contact person for all the communications related to this call.

e) A template of the report will be available for the participating teams as an annex to this document

3. The team of the selected project will receive a budget of 3500 € to start its development. The team will cooperate with the UNITA project for informational and awareness-raising purposes, as well as for the defence of the project's objectives, always citing the name of the author, initiative and project.

4. The selected project will be disseminated through the communication channels of the UNITA constellation. The presented but not selected projects will be also disseminated in the community through the Re-UNITA newsletter.

5. The call will close in 26th May 2023, 12h CET

6. A Commission formed by the six members of the Re-UNITA external scientific board (ESB) and by one member of each University from the task force of the WP5 of project RE-UNITA, as listed in the UNITA Datacloud at the closing time of the call, will judge the different applications.

7. The criteria for the evaluation of the different applications will include: relevance of the problem to be solved ( 20%), innovative approach of the proposed solution (40%), project planning and budget use (20%) and impact of the solution in our society (20%).

8. In the event that the Commission considers that the projects do not meet the minimum quality requirements, the winning project may be left deserted. In such a situation, the amount of the prizes may be accumulated and applied to the next year. In any case, the Commission will have the ability to make the decisions it deems most appropriate and its decisions will be final.

9. The selected team should present a final report within one year time including any evidence they may consider of the progress of the project (prototypes, user experience improvement, new innovative results…)

10. To apply for this call, please send the Application Report, using this model, to the address and


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°101035810.




The name UNITA evokes the commitment of six universities (Università degli studi di Torino, Universidad de Zaragoza, Université Savoie-Mont Blanc, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Universidade da Beira Interior y Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) to a closer integration of their academic, research and general activities.


The UNITA green photo contest offers to UNITA university members the possibility to photograph experiences and visions of sustainability.


All UNITA members are encouraged to submit entries. Registration for the competition is free of charge.



The chosen theme for the photo contest is the impact of climate change on our environment.

The goal of this contest is to photograph expressions of the impact of climate change on our environment. The candidates must catch in their photos the essence of this phenomenon, reflecting it in their different manifestations and/or showing the new realities transforming the lives of human beings.



The photo contest is open to UNITA students, teaching staff, researchers, and administrative/services staff. Photographs must have been taken or produced by the person submitting the work, must be original and must not have been previously exhibited or taken part in any other competition.


Each university will have its own jury. Each jury will award the prizes to the participants from their university. The jury's decision will be final and the authors will be informed by e-mail. The works will be selected by the jury on the basis of artistic relevance and their connection to the theme.

Three winners per university will be selected. UNITA will showcase photographs in several marketing initiatives, such as websites, social media, advertisements, e-newsletters, brochures, exhibitions, etc.

The three winners in each university will receive prizes. If the winners are students: first prize (200 euros), the second prize (150 euros) and the third prize (100 euros) respectively. If the winners are staff members: please check internal regulations at each university.

An exhibition with the winning photographs from all the UNITA universities will be organized in each university later on.

The prizes will be paid for by the UNITA Budget at the six UNITA.



Submission Guidelines

Photographs must be sent to one of the following e-mail addresses, depending on the university they want to take part in:

Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) must be sent to:

Università degli studi di Torino (UNITO) must be sent via:

Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) must be sent to:

Université de Pau et des Pays de L’Adour (UPPA) must be sent to:

Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) must be sent to:

Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara (UVT) must be sent to:


Each participant may only present a maximum of one piece of work (one single photograph or a series).

In the text of your email, you must include the following:


  • Your full name
  • Location of the image
  • The title of your piece
  • Brief sentence by the artist stating that the photo is an original piece of work and the fruit of his/her own work.
  • You will also need to include this declaration in the body of your email:
    "I ____(type your full name here)___ give permission for UNITA to use my photographs for promotional purposes in print and web materials."

Deadline for submissions: 28th of April 2023. Entries received after the deadline or deemed inappropriate will not be considered.



Single Image competition or Photographic Essay / Series of photographs (Maximum 7 images related to each other)

For either option (Single or Series) the technical requirements for the images are the same.


  • File format: JPEG
  • Maximum file size: 10 MB
  • Longest side length: 2000 px
  • File resolution: 72 dpi
  • The file should be renamed (for SINGLE IMAGE): university_surname_first name_ title of the photograph.jpeg…for example: unizar_smith_mary_my photo title.jpeg
  • The file should be renamed (for SERIES): university_surname_first name_title01.jpeg… university_surname_first name_title02.jpeg… etc.



UNITA assumes no responsibility for submissions that are incorrect, damaged, destroyed, lost, late, incomplete, illegible, altered or misdirected. UNITA also assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from or related to the photo contest. By submitting photos for this contest, participants declare they understand all of the rules and regulations of the competition.

By entering the contest you certify that any photos submitted are of your authorship and that you own the rights to distribute them. You certify that these photos do not belong to someone else and are not protected by any copyright. You acknowledge that individual(s) who appear in the photographs have provided permission to be included.

You grant UNITA permission to reproduce any submitted images for the purposes of publicity, marketing, and communications.

Participants will be responsible for any claims from third parties in relation to image rights or any other rights derived from the intellectual property law applicable.



UNITA launches its Innovation Prize 2022 

- Applications must be sent before November 18, 2022 to, with a report of maximum 10 pages (in PDF format);

- An application form has to be filled using this link;

- The results will be published on December 9, 2022;

- Are eligible: the research teams of the 6 UNITA universities, the startup and spin-off companies that belong or are attached to their incubators;

- Each university organizes an internal selection of the candidates and sends one application per prize, for the final competition;

- Two prizes: €3,000 (for the UNITA hub themes: circular economy, cultural heritage and renewable energies) and €2,000 (for the other themes).

Call ReU
UNITA Innovation Prize flyer


Strategic Call Launched by UNIZAR within their own R&D&I Program for SIX PhD student grants
Applications - until 10/13/2022
More info»

Competion Call  - European Identity and Citizenship

Competition with prizes for undergraduate and master's students with university studies completed in the last three years. The contest is organized within the scope of the UNITA Project - "UNIVERSITAS MONTIUM", work package "European Identity and Citizenship".

University of West Timisoara (Romania)
More info»

University of Zaragoza (Spain)
More info»

University of Beira Interior (Portugal)
More info»

University of Torino (Italy)
More info»

University of Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
More info»


Intellectual Property Conference: 6th edition, West University of Timișoara, the Faculty of Law
View invitation »



The UNITA Alliance cares about sustainable mobilities in everyday life!
Do you want to make a difference in future sustainable mobilities and work alongside with students from Romania, Spain, Italy, France and Portugal?


In May 2022, the UNITA Alliance organizes a 100% online ideathon to collect ideas proposed by international teams of students for future mobilities: the Green Mobilities Ideathon. The best projects will be mentored by different business companies in 2023 and developed during workshops organized in each university of the UNITA Alliance.

If you want to participate:

  • Please register by filling out the form and select your 3 favourite topics before 30th April 2022 
  • Participate virtually in the launching ceremony and meet your teammates on May 7th 2022, 11:30 CET
  • Join your international team in a virtual room whenever you are available (A2 level in English is required to communicate with your teammates). Organize your teamwork to produce a video pitch in your native language (subtitled in English) and a presentation of your green mobility solution by May 20

With UNITA you can #ClimbYourFuture and be part of the European university with your ideas!

For more information write to 


TOPICS for Green Mobilities Ideathon

Daily mobility: innovations for displacements that are part of normal or daily activities, regardless of the means of transport used, and the purpose of the displacements 

Active mobility / ecomobility: innovations for displacements that rely only on human physical activity as a source of energy

Shared mobility: innovations to share means of transport normally used by a single person or family

Inclusive mobility: innovations to make displacements accessible to all and reduce inequalities in mobility for people with visible or invisible disabilities

Leisure mobility: innovations for displacements motivated by a leisure activity or mobility linked to the practice of a sport (requiring the use of a polluting mean of transport)

Avoided mobilities : innovations to reduce displacements, or even to make the mobility unnecessary



UNITA Rural Mobility Calls

Application deadline extended for UPPA, USMB, UBI and Unito: April 11th, 2022

Each University opens a call for Incoming Students. The conditions of each University may vary (e.g. each University might cover different expenses). If you want to take part to more than one call, please fill in an application form for each of the destinations you would like to go.


The first UNITA photo and video competition offers its members and associated universities the possibility to share experiences and visions of European identity and citizenship.
The goal of this contest is to find visual expressions of a European key concept “cooperation”. Your visuals should reflect the concepts of European Identity and Citizenship. Can you catch their essence with your camera? How the new realities are transforming the lives of European citizens?  Show us with a video!
One winner will be chosen from each university of the alliance, in each category!
What are you waiting for? Share your photos and videos with UNITA until the 31st of March 2022.
Contest Rules»

With UNITA you can #ClimbYourFuture and be part of the European university!


Moodlemoot 2021 : Turin

 Participants are invited to send their contributions in the form of: 

  • Full paper (8 - 10 pages), to document concluded research projects or case studies. Oral presentations will be allotted 15-20 minutes each. 
  • Short communication paper/Experiences (3 - 5 pages), to document work in progress and innovative user experiences. 

Oral presentations will be allotted 7-10 minutes each.  

Deadline for submission of preliminary papers: October 31, 2021. 

➢ Notification of acceptance: November 10, 2021. 

➢ Deadline for submission of final papers: December 15, 2021.

+ info»


XVIe édition du Colloque International d’Études Francophones, CIEFT 2022, «Politiquement (in)correct en francophonie », Timişoara (Roumanie)

Date limite de réception des résumés - 15 novembre 2021

+info » 


1st Call for application to UNITA PhD Cotutelles/fellowships: 2021

Deadline extended to July 13 (12:00 CET)

+info »


Call for Prizes for Bachelors and Masters degree dissertations – UNITA Universitas Montium Project

Deadline 1st October 2021

+info »

1st Call for applications for MSCA Cofund EDENE PhD European doctoral program in Energy and Environment

Opening of the call: 25 /01/2021 at 09.00 am (GMT +01:00)
Closure of the call: 31/03/2021 at 12.00 pm (GMT +01:00)
Applications submitted on: https://aap e2s.univ





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