
As part of its mission and scope, UNITA promotes new forms of student mobility, including Blended Intensive programmes, Virtual and Rural Mobility.

Virtual Mobility


Virtual mobilities allow UNITA students to follow an online class of another university, staying in their home institution and receiving ECTS at the end of the class.

New open calls mid-November, for 2nd semester courses 2024-25

Some UNITA universities are launching a new call for Virtual Mobility second semester vacancies during the academic year 2024-25. For the first time, the Universidad Católica de Colombia y the Universidade Federal de Viçosa in Brazil, partner universities of the Geminae programme, are participating in this call.

In this catalogue you can find language courses such as Italian, Spanish, Romanian and French and thematic courses.

Here is the catalogue !

Virtual mobility is free and open to all the student enrolled in the UNITA Universities.

To apply, please consult the Web page of your home institution and follow the application process:

Rural Mobility

The call for applications UNITA Rural Mobility 2025 is open

Apply for UNITA Rural Mobility and complete your internship at an institution or company in a rural area of one of the Alliance or associated countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania, or Switzerland. You will develop your skills, immerse yourself in a new language and create unforgettable memories this summer—or even until October/November in some cases—with accommodation and/or financial support included.

UNITA Rural Mobility offers students from the Alliance a unique opportunity to enhance their professional and soft skills while contributing to the revitalization of rural and mountain areas in a destination managed by another UNITA university.

The registration process is open from March 3rd to March 31st, 2025.

Explore the catalog of available vacancies at the other universities.

Students interested in participating should read their university’s call:













After reading your university’s call and exploring the catalogue of available vacancies, submit your application at the following link.


Discover the territory and find yourself with UNITA Rural mobility. Be rural!

Watch the videos of the experiences of previous years in different destinations in the “Pilot Phase” section of this website

Blended Intensive Programmes

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) allow HEI students and university staff to carry out an international experience that combines short-term physical mobility abroad (from 5 to 30 days) with a compulsory virtual component facilitating a collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork.

The UNITA Erasmus BIPs aim at bringing together groups of students and/or staff from at least three higher education institutions belonging to the UNITA - Universitas Montium alliance.

The programmes may include challenge based learning where international and multidisciplinary teams work together to tackle challenges for example those linked to the sustainable development goals or other societal challenges identified by regions, cities or companies.

By enabling new and more flexible mobility formats that combine physical mobility with a virtual part, BIPs aim at reaching all types of students from all backgrounds, study fields and cycles. 

The key figures for BIPs:

- A program combining online learning activities and physical mobility lasting from 5 to 30 days
- Innovative teaching and learning
- Minimum of 15 international participants
- Minimum of 3 institutions from 3 different countries (E+ program countries)
- Minimum 3 ECTS credits awarded

Recognition of ECTS will follow the Erasmus+ scheme (Learning agreement before and after the mobility) according to local processes in the participating Universities.

How to apply

To check the open positions for BIP and apply, please consult the Web page of your home institution and follow the application process:


Discover the past BIP experiences in UNITA (2020-2023) in the “Pilot Phase” section of this website


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