Geminae Program

Geminae Program - UNITA's partner universities around the world

Taking advantage of increased visibility and attractiveness of European Universities, UNITA aims to create a network of "sister" universities - the Geminae program- which will allow sharing best practices among universities.

This network of "sister" universities, based on the quality of the institutions, will be initially based on the active cooperation between Outside European Union Universities and UNITA’s partners, giving preference to institutions of romance language speaking countries. But Geminae aims to be a growing community of universities that will continuously increase its partners as time goes.

This project aims to cooperate with UNITA’s associate partners: the l’Agence Universitiarie de la Francophone (AUF), the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) and the Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (AULP). As these institutions are quite active in roman speaking countries outside Europe, their role will be key in identifying new partners and key cooperation topics.

The objective of the Geminae program is to broaden the exchange of best practices developed by UNITA in all areas, i.e. training, research, innovation and links with society. It will facilitate the mobility of students from these institutions to UNITA, and even encourage students to settle, at least occasionally, in UNITA’s countries and regions. Indeed, some UNITA regions are depopulating, and others need skilled workforce, in sum, all are looking for talented people to develop UNITA’s region economic and social activities, while increasing their competences and enjoying a rural and mountainous quality life.


UNITA will offer an important number of programs and destinations for students who prepare themselves through UNITA’s intercomprehension training. Thanks to these courses, INCOMING and OUTGOING students will move easily across Romance speaking countries as they will be able to communicate in French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Rumanian.

Cultural heritage, renewable energies and circular economy represent the key thematic areas of UNITA, they are the link between the past and the future of Romance countries. They are critical areas to support the necessary economic transition for the prosperity of UNITA’s rural and mountainous regions, all while tackling climate change and sustainable development. UNITA expects to cooperate with its Geminae partners in developing research and innovation projects, teaching programs and micro-credentials involving teacher-researchers, in a mutually enriching dynamic.

To finance these partnerships, UNITA and its partners will participate in different calls for projects, such as Erasmus+ capacity building projects or initiatives from the "African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence" (Arise).


Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 1)

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 2)

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 3) - UNITO Doctoral School

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 3) - UPPA Doctoral School

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 3) - USMB Doctoral School

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 3) - UVT Doctoral School

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 3) - UBI PhD Program

Video | Research at UNITA and its Hubs (Part 3) - UNIZAR Doctoral School


Presentation | EU Funding Opportunities (Dr. Martin Penny)

Presentation | PhD Schools (UBI)

Presentation | PhD Schools (UPPA)

Presentation | PhD Schools (USMB)

Presentation | PhD Schools (UVT)

Presentation | PhD Schools (UniTo)

Presentation | PhD Schools (UniZar)


GEMINAE partners meeting – September 12th, 2022 - Barcelona

Presentation Introduction

Presentation Best Practices Award

Workshops summary


Compass Ulysseus online conference on "Beyond Europe: Joining European Universities Alliances (HEI) as R&I International Partners. - April 24th, 2024 Online 

The recording of the online conference can be seen here

Geminae Best Practices Awards

The GEMINAE Best Practices Awards initiative is organized by the UNITA alliance and aims to promote, enhance and encourage the exchange of best practices developed by UNITA Geminae university partners all over the world. The focus is on all the dimensions of the higher education institutions’ mission: teaching and training, research, and socio-economic impact. The awards will recognize pioneering practices and initiatives that contribute to create more effective and dynamic universities in a context of an increasingly globalized and connected higher education system. By showcasing these best practices, the UNITA Alliance aims to inspire other universities to follow and emulate this initiative, and to create greater public recognition of the Geminae universities’ practices.

The Geminae Best Practices Awards include up to 6 prizes, granted by the UNITA alliance with the Organizing Committee of the biennial Geminae Conference. In this sense, each edition of the Geminae Best Practices Awards will include universities which are selected from a two-year period of evaluation.


The topics for the awards will be:

  1. Innovative HEI learning - student-centered and labour-market oriented: transversal competences, international cooperation, digitalization and personalization of student path will be valued.
  2. Excellence in research through the promotion of the Open Science instruments, the inter and multidisciplinarity approaches, shared infrastructures, development of advanced technologies.
  3. Contribution to the knowledge-based growth in local and/or regional communities including the activities and support for entrepreneurship and technological transfer.
  4. Campus life, green initiatives and commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Higher Education.         
  5. HEI institutional transformation for stronger, more competitive and effective communities of staff and students.
  6. Promotion of democratic values – peace, human dignity and human rights, equality, inclusion and strong community engagement.



The applicants must have a formal/ institutional relationship with any university of the UNITA Geminae network (membership attested through a signed letter of commitment): academic staff, administrative staff, researchers, departments, schools, research centres, universities, students.



The evaluation criteria are based on:

- Institutional development or capacity building resulting from the best practice (max. 20 points)

- Suitability and replication capability in other Universities (max 20 points)

- Effective contribution to improve the functioning of the territories in the ecosystem which the university is a part of (max 20 points)

- The innovative nature of the best practice example (relevant, original, unique approach, etc.) (max 20 points)

- Stakeholders and/or students’ engagement (max. 20 points).

To be eligible, BPA proposals must score at least 10 points per evaluation criterion and at least 60 points in total.



Submissions should be sent to the UNITA OFFICE of UVT, using the e-mail address, detailing the best practice example(s).

The formal application should include the following elements

  • Topic
  • Title
  • University: name and location.
  • Data of the contact person (Name/surname, Job position, Email address, Phone number)
  • Video presentation: max 5 minutes, horizontal format. Title at the beginning and the applicants’ names or applicant’s name at the end. Moreover, videos must comply with the following:
    • Legislation on copyright aspects shall be considered by the authors.
    • Advertising is not allowed.
    • If people are visible in the pictures or the video, their consent shall be collected by authors.
    • The images shall respect the dignity of people, groups and entities.
    • The person presenting the images is responsible for complying with all legal requirements. If this person does not have the needed permissions, material will not be accepted.
  • Description of the project: max 2.000 words
  • Summary of the project: max. 500 word

Language of submission: any of the languages of the alliance (Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian or Portuguese). The summary of the project should be also provided in English.

The Geminae university/members/structures can submit a maximum of 3 applications.



The prizes awarded will consist of a diploma mentioning the example of good practice and their assignment will have an appropriate emphasis on all communication channels of UNITA.

There will be maximum 6 winners (one per topic). They will be given the opportunity to present their project in detail to the conference delegates during a special best practice session.

Winners will therefore be notified of the awards in advance before the conference in order to make arrangements to attend and prepare a presentation, such as power point, canva,…. The travel costs will be covered by the UNITA Alliance (flights from/to country of origin and the accommodation in the city where the BPA delivery will take place).



Opening date: 15th December 2024

Extended closing date: 15th April 2025

Review and selection by Awards Committee: 15th May 2025

Announcement of the awards: 30th May 2025

Prize Ceremony and initiatives presentation: 4-5 September 2025, during the Geminae Conference



The Best Practice Award (BPA) Committee is in charge of organizing the evaluation and deciding the winners.

A Selection panel is nominated to carry out the technical review to ensure the eligibility of the applications. 

The Best Practice Award Committee could invite the candidates for an online discussion about the proposal.

The BPA Committee decisions are final and therefore are unalterable and not subject to any appeal.


Configuration of the Best Practice Award Committee

  • one member of the UNITA Management Committee
  • one member of the UNITA Quality and Evaluation Board
  • one representative of the Geminae network
  • one Vice Rector for Internationalization from UNITA universities
  • one Vice Rector for Research from UNITA universities
  • one Vice Rector for Education from UNITA universities
  • one representative of the Task 5.5 team
  • one member of the Student Assembly


Selection panel

All the submissions will be pre-evaluated by a selection panel. The selection panel will integrate representatives of UNITA members.



By participating in this initiative, you accept the following data protection policy for the West University of Timișoara.


Basic consent (compulsory)

Please be informed that in order to properly manage your registration and keep you updated on the evolution of the initiative, we need to send you information by email.

Dissemination of photographs, recordings or images. The organization informs you that this is a public event. The University may take images and audio/video recordings (or authorize a third party to do it on its behalf) for the dissemination of the event(s) both on the Web and in social media.



The responsible entity is the West University of Timișoara through the UNITA office:


Purpose and legitimacy

In compliance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27), we inform you that the personal data you have provided us with will be processed by the West University of Timișoara, as responsible entity, in order to carry out and facilitate the organization, participation and dissemination of this initiative.



The University will communicate the personal data that is indispensable for the management of the initiative.



You can access, rectify, erase, oppose or exercise your right to the restriction of processing of your data and revoke the consent at any time in the terms that you can consult in the additional information.



Geminae award 2023 first edition

The Geminae Best Practices Awards included up to 6 prizes, granted by the UNITA alliance with the Organizing Committee of the biennial Geminae Conference. In this sense, each edition of the Geminae Best Practices Awards will include universities which are selected from a two year period of evaluation.

Final Resolution

Regulation ENESFRPT



EAIE 2024 - Toulouse 
For the first time, UNITA has participated at the EAIE (17-20 September 2024, Toulouse) – Europe's biggest higher education conference. UNITA first major exhibition was  a unique opportunity to connect with counterparts, deepen ties with partners, and share our vision with new audiences. Watch the videos of the Geminae Partners that joined! 

UNITA at the EAIE 2024 in Toulouse

Virgilio almeida Brasilia

Sebastien Charle et Audrey Tessier Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 

Ana Lilia Ramos - Universidad de Monterrey (Mexico) 

Maria Teresa Damiani - Universidad National de Cuyo ( Argentina)

Colombo Eloic - Université de Sheerbrooke (Canada)

Sandra Guerin - Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)

Rafael Mattiello - Unioeste do Paranà

Aziz Saliba - Federal University of Minas Gerais

Heidi Quintero - Universidad Catolica de Colombia


EAIE 2025 - Gothenburg
UNITA will be present at the EAIE 2025 wirth its own stand.
More info soon!

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