Bridging the gap between researchers and the public is important. European Researchers’ Night is an example of how researchers take the opportunity to engage with citizens of all ages each year so as to demonstrate the impact of their research on society.
The EU-funded U*Night project takes this a step further. It aims to expand its outreach programme to also include previously inaccessible rural, semi-rural and mountain regions. The project leverages Horizons Europe Missions, which pool various resources to build a more inclusive and resilient continent, to translate key issues into concrete objectives and relate the work of researchers to real life.
Ultimately, U*Night will become an open laboratory for communication and outreach practices.
The Talent Development Programme for PhD Students is launched!
Would you like to have an opportunity to express your talent for innovation?
Do you like challenges?
This international contest is open to PhD students enrolled in any PhD Program of Re-UNITA Universities!
Bring your team, choose one challenge among the three scientific areas – Circular Economy, Cultural Heritage, Renewable Energy - and create a solution for it.
Be innovative!
Three prizes of € 5.000 will be awarded – one prize for the best team in each scientific area!
Read the Contest Rules.
Registrations are open until 30/10/2023 – access the Registration Form.
Contact e-mail for any questions regarding the contest: