UNITA weekly talk - Why is Dracula a Story about International Connections?

17 of october of 2023  UNITA

12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
as part of the course on the History of Cinema at the Dams of the University of Turin.

Prof. Marius Crisan (West University of Timisoara) will give a lecture entitled:
Why is Dracula a Story about International Connections? 

Register: https://enquetessphinx.u-bordeaux.fr/SurveyServer/s/UPPA-SOFT/UNITAwR/inscription.htm?CL_Code=QGUS-9S73 

Join online: https://unito.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/unito/meeting/download/9f2650e394654eb5996aa5bafacc4d87 

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