In the framework of the Alliance UNITA - Universitas Montium and Re-UNITA - Research for UNITA Project, the University of Beira Interior (UBI) is organizing a two-day event that will take place in Covilhã, on the 18th and 19th of April.
The Re-UNITA Workshops will consist of presentations and round-tables in the scientific areas of Circular Economy, Cultural Heritage and Renewable Energies, being an excellent opportunity of networking to unite researchers from partner Universities and the academic community, and aiming to discuss the scientific advances and the main challenges in each scientific area, as well as promoting the establishment of new collaborations and possibilities for joint responses to international calls for projects or theses co-supervision.
On the first day, April 18th, activities in each Workshop will encompass two parts. During the first part of the activities, presentations of researchers' work and projects will take place, followed by a Q&A session. The second part will contemplate a debate session in a round-table format, with a focus on the discussion of highlighted topics, also followed by a Q&A session.
On the second day, April 19th, all participants are invited to take part in a Joint Debate during the morning, focusing on the discussion of global challenges faced by rural and mountainous regions in the areas of Circular Economy, Cultural Heritage and Renewable Energies.
After the event, an E-book will be produced as an output of the presentations and discussions held during the workshops.
Researchers interested in actively participating in the workshops, either by presenting their work/results, or participating in round-tables, should complete the Registration Form until March 15th, indicating whether participation will be in the first or the second part of the activities.