TEIN Annual Conference: The effects of the COVID 19 crisis on the cross-border cooperation between France, Spain and Andorra
13 of november of 2020 UNITA
Friday 13 November 2020
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Organised by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain
To attend the event online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82238128613?pwd=TWVQUU1CbXZjUWpDbmdKNDRXY1EyUT09
Access code: ND4j8E
Europe is slowly emerging from the first phase of the pandemic that has hit the 21st century. Economic and social recovery plans are being put in place. Every border has suffered from the pandemic. The closure of borders has caused restrictions during the crisis and obstacles that have had to be faced. How was this managed and what were the social and political consequences on the Pyrenean border region? What impacts on cross-border relations? What decisions were taken? How have the local authorities reacted? In order to better understand this exceptional situation for border regions, we would like to look at its implications from the point of view of the Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean, which represents the Occitania region, the Balearic Islands, Andorra (a small Pyrenean state located between France and Spain) as well as Catalonia, which suffered particularly from the pandemic.