UNITA at the EAIE 2024: an incredible journey!

UNITA   24 of september of 2024

More than 7000 participants from all over the world attended the 2024 edition of the EAIE (European Association of International Education) conference and exhibition, organised in Toulouse. Their purpose? Contribute to and learn about transnational cooperation.

During the event participants discussed and presented the newest models for transnational cooperation in higher education, innovations in international mobility and international study programmes, about current needs and objectives of international students and staff, as well as the needs and objectives of universities and their communities overall from what we define as international processes and actions, in a very complicated geopolitical context.

One of this year’s novelties was the presence of 24 European Universities Alliances at the EAIE. UNITA was among them, with a very visible, lively and busy booth, where a team of representatives from all the 12 alliance partners were present, including the National University of Chernivtsi, Ukrainian partner. The presence of all partners at the UNITA booth underlines the strong integration and deep cooperation of the partner Universities.

The UNITA representaives liaised with the Alliance’s global partners in the UNITA Geminae initiative and they deepened these collaborations, especially in the areas of mobility and curricula internationalization. The alliance’s Geminae network spans across South America, Central America, North America and North Africa, in countries speaking Romance languages, keeping in line with UNITA’s identity as a European Universities Alliance connecting higher education institutions in European countries where Romance languages are spoken.

In addition, they promoted UNITA and its vision for transnational cooperation and international education, while engaging the participants thorugh a chocolate tasting event that presneted the “flavours“ of all the UNITA partner countries.

UNITA’s presence at the EAIE focused on making the alliance and its models visible, while contributing to showcasing the European Universities Initiative to the world. A particular and important moment for the alliance’s presence at the EAIE was UNITA’s contribution and presentation of the global outreach vision, the UNITA Geminae initiative, in the session UNLOCKING GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES: OUTREACH PROGRAMS WITHIN EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES ALLIANCES, organized in collaboration with EUNICE European University Alliance.


See you next year in Gotheburg!

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