UNITApedia is born, the collaborative tool of the UNITA alliance

UNITA   14 of october of 2024

This informative platform is designed to measure the impact of the project.


UNITA has launched UNITApedia, a collaborative platform designed to monitor and evaluate the impact of the project in its academic communities and areas of influence across seven countries. The tool, which gathers data on the project and has been developed based on collective intelligence solutions using open-source code from Wikipedia, was presented by Professor Martin Larraza, Vice-Chancellor for Quality, Economic Matters and Strategy at UPNA, during a course on measuring social impact recently held at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

UNITApedia is understood as a shared knowledge space that facilitates the collection and visualisation of data related to UNITA’s activities. This platform, available since 1st July, allows students, academic and administrative staff, as well as external collaborators, to access up-to-date information on the project's progress and results. The aim is to promote greater transparency and participation in monitoring the strategic objectives of the alliance.

The four dimensions of UNITApedia

UNITApedia’s structure is organised around four dimensions that reflect the various areas of UNITA’s impact. The structural dimension focuses on the internal organisation of the project and covers the planning and execution of activities according to the different work packages. The strategic dimension examines the long-term impact of the actions carried out within the Alliance’s objectives. The stakeholder dimension centres on the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project, such as students, academic and administrative staff, and stakeholders. Finally, the semantic dimension facilitates the creation and management of a living, shared knowledge, fed by the contributions of all participants.

From a technical point of view, UNITApedia will be connected to UNITA’s data warehouse, which will enable it to integrate up-to-date information and dynamic visualisations of impact indicators. This approach facilitates real-time analysis of the effects of UNITA's activities on its environment and provides a useful tool for decision-making and the continuous improvement of implemented strategies.

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