UPNA celebrates the NOCHE UNITA, a moving event on the UNITA values

UNITA   11 of march of 2025

UPNA organised, within the framework of the UNITA WEEK, the so-called UNITA NIGHT, a moving event with the aim of recalling and highlighting the values that identify UNITA and to reinforce the feeling of belonging to the alliance.

The session interspersed short talks by researchers from five different countries of the Alliance, with musical pieces representative of each country by the Escolanía del Orfeón Pamplonés, one of the most prominent children's choirs in Navarre.

The topics discussed, all of them substantial values for UNITA, were European identity, sustainable innovation, the role of Romance languages and the links they create, nature-friendly solutions and, finally, the historical relations between the member countries of the alliance. Each of the speakers spoke in their native language and the audience, made up exclusively of those attending UNITA Week Pamplona, was able to follow the proceedings thanks to a simultaneous translation into English, projected on a screen.

The speakers were the following: Francisco Beltrán Lloris (Universidad de Zaragoza), Elisa Corino (Università degli studi di Torino), Frank D'Amico (lUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour), Bruno Ferreira Costa (Universidade da Beira Interior) and Alexandra Petcu (l’Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara). The event was presented by UPNA student Meghavi Chapman Azpirotz.

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