Citizen Science event for schoolchildren
ReUNITA 06 of november of 2023
In the context of the visits made by schoolchildren within the framework of the Other Week, on 25 October 2023, between 13:00-14:30, the West University of Timisoara organized the Citizen Science event for schoolchildren, as an activity of the ReUnita project.
The event was attended by 24 schoolchildren, from class XI, from Constantin Diaconovici Loga National College, accompanied by Professor Dr. Cosmin Ancuța.
The activity was structured in two sequences. The aim of the first activity was to have a dialogue with the schoolchildren on the 3 key areas of the ReUnita project, such as circular economy, renewable energies and cultural heritage. At the same time, the concept of citizen science was discussed, exemplified by ReUnita project results, such as mapping the needs of NGOs in the UVT Unita ecosystem and creating a collaborative platform. In the second part of the event, schoolchildren were involved in a hands-on activity using ArcGIS software. GIS (Geographic Information System) is a tool with applicability in citizen science, as it allows data sharing to the community and also co-creation (academic-community environment) of databases.
The coordinators of the activities were assistant Dr. Alexandra Marian-Potra and assistant Dr. Fabian Timofte.