GEMINAE NETWORK - Best Practices Awards Ceremony at GEMINAE UPPA Event
UNITA 29 of september of 2023
Last Friday, September 22nd, the Best Practices Awards Ceremony was held within the GEMINAE Event at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, France.
The GEMINAE network, launched by UNITA in 2021, is an international project aimed at promoting the collaboration between the European Alliance UNITA and Universities outside the EU. The focus of the Best Practices Awards is to recognize pioneering and outstanding quality practices developed by UNITA GEMINAE university partners that contribute to more effective and dynamic universities in a globalized and connected higher education system.
The works selected in this first BPA edition were presented at the GEMINAE UPPA Event are listed below. All of them demonstrated their remarkable contribution in different areas that go from innovation in teaching to sustainability, training, mobility or social outreach.
- Empoderamiento legal y social través del acceso a la justicia
Authors: María Lucía Torres-Villarreal and Daniela Yepes-García - Grupo de Acciones Públicas de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia
Presented by: María Lucía Torres-Villarreal
Universidad de Rosario (Colombia)

- Actualización e Innovación Curricular, Internacionalización del Currículum y Formación Integral para todos y todas a partir del Aprendizaje Colaborativo en línea
Authors: Víctor Gustavo Zonana and Marisa Carina Fazio
Presented by: Mariza Carina Fazio
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)

- Proyecto Camino a un país sostenible
Authors: Claudia Dulce and Andrea Díaz
Presented by: María Alejandra Correa Barrera
Universidad de Rosario (Colombia)

- Professional and administrative staff as key players in internationalization of HEIs
Authors: Patricia Serrano Esguerra, Matías Marín and Jorge Burgos
Presented by: Patricia Serrano Esguerra
Universidad Católica de Colombia, Universidad Católica de Manizales and Universidad Católica de Burgos (Colombia)

- Convenio de doble titulación UASLP-UPPA-Acuerdo de Doble Titulación entre la Maestría en Ingeniería en Computación de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP) en México, y la Maestría en Industria 4.0 de la Universidad de Pau y Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) en Francia
Author: Alejandra Guadalupe Silva Trujillo
Presented by: Alejandra Guadalupe Silva Trujillo
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (México)

- Diseño y seguimiento de actividades educativas colaborativas online
Authors: Cecilia Sanz, Alejandra Zangara and Paula Dieser
Presented by: Alejandra Zangara
Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)

At the beginning of next year, a new call of Best Practices Awards will be opened. Do not miss the opportunity to participate and send your works!
For further information on the GEMINAE Network and its Best Practices Awards, please visit the official website at