The University of Turin (Italy) has launched the initiative to the partners of UNITA and the University of Brescia (Italy), the Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France), the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), the Instituto Politecnico da Guarda and the Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal), the Transylvania University of Brasov and the West University of Timisoara (Romania) accepted to join: together, 8 European universities will switch off 65 buildings for a night.
During the day, participating universities will also share with their university communities energy-saving tips through a vademecum developed by the University of Brescia.
Rector Stefano Geuna from the University of Turin says 'UniTO strongly believes in the need to raise awareness of energy saving and efficient use of resources. We took the opportunity of M'illumino di meno "No Borders" to carry out a symbolic and joint switch-off of university buildings together with 7 partner universities of the UNITA Alliance. A further step in the journey we are leading together towards creating a culture of sustainability within the transnational university community."
M’illumino di Meno is the Italian National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles, which has been promoted by Rai Radio2 (one of the three channels of the national radio) with its popular drive-time afternoon show Caterpillar since 2005. The first edition took place on February 16th 2005, when the Kyoto Protocol came into force. That's when Caterpillar got the idea of asking Rai Radio2 listeners to turn off the lights as a statement of environmental concern.
Year after year, M’illumino di Meno inspired Rai Radio2 listeners to take action to save the planet: practising circular economy, favoring clean mobility, switching to renewables, supporting reforestation.
In 2022 it became law: the Italian Parliament recognized February 16th as the National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles.
M’illumino di Meno has now reached its 20th edition and with the 2024 edition, named "No Borders", invites participants to extend their participation to their international alliances.
Within the framework of M'illumino di Meno, the Green Office UniToGO of the University of Turin, through the Energy and Climate Change Groups and the Adaptation and Mitigation Plans Coordination, is organizing a seminar on 16 February 2024 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Luigi Einaudi Campus (Sala Lauree Rossa Grande) to present the results of the University of Turin's CO2 Emissions Inventory (2022), a document that calculates and monitors the climate- altering emissions produced annually by the University. The open meeting aims to discuss the University's energy and climate initiatives and will also be accessible online at