UPPA welcomes Mr. TOTO Pietro from University of Brescia for CHORAL project collaboration

UNITA   11 of june of 2024

The University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA - France)was delighted to welcome Mr. TOTO Pietro, Administrative Manager from the University of Brescia (UNIBS – Italy) for a visit from May 21 to 24, as part of the Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility Programme, focusing on the CHORAL* project.

Img: F. DESCHAMPS, European projects engineer for research in humanities and social sciences (UPPA) and P. TOTO, Administrative Manager (UNIBS)
F. DESCHAMPS, European projects engineer for research in humanities and social sciences (UPPA) and P. TOTO, Administrative Manager (UNIBS)

During his stay, Mr. TOTO had the opportunity to meet local colleagues working on the project, discuss the intricacies of the CHORAL project, share administrative practices, and explore potential future collaborations. In an interview, he shared his impressions and provided valuable feedback on his experience:

Can you tell us about your time here?
P.TOTO:  “My time at UPPA was incredibly enriching. The university's environment is welcoming, and the staff members are very supportive. I had the opportunity to engage in various activities that broadened my understanding of administrative best practices within the context of international collaborations.”

What did you learn from it? What did you gain professionally from your stay?
P.TOTO:  “I learned a great deal about the coordination of international projects and the specific administrative requirements for the CHORAL project. Professionally, I gained insights into efficient project management and the importance of effective communication and collaboration among international partners.”

How did your stay benefit your university?
P.TOTO:  “The knowledge and experience I gained from this visit are invaluable to the University of Brescia. The best practices and strategies discussed during my stay will be implemented to enhance our administrative processes. Additionally, the connections made will foster future collaborations and strengthen our partnership within the UNITA alliance.”


*CHORAL (Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages) aims to train high-quality international researchers and to encourage the development of interdisciplinary, international and inter-sectoral research that addresses any aspect of Cultural Heritage.  
As part of the UNITA Alliance, CHORAL is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie programme co-funded by the European Union.

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