The former President of the French Republic answers questions from the UNITA Student Assembly

UNITA   14 of june of 2024

On Friday, May 31, the former President of the French Republic, François Hollande, visited the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA).


About a hundred students from the College of European and International Studies and the CDRE - Center for European Documentation and Research were present for this exceptional event.

Three students from the UNITA student assembly had the opportunity to question the former head of state about Europe: Charline Dos Beira, Clément Combier, and Nicolas Evain.

Nicolas Evain notably asked Mr. Hollande about the concept of a European university and a European degree with the following question:

"How could the EU encourage the creation of European universities or flexible training programs, built through teaching units offered by European partners? And if we wanted to go even further, how could we, as students, access a common European degree, co-created by several European universities?"

Mr. Hollande praised the ambitious nature of these projects while acknowledging that this endeavor would be complex. He recognized the commitment of all students working towards its realization.

The topics of youth involvement in elections, the Green Deal, and cross-border cooperation were also discussed.