The main objective of UNITA RECIPES for INTERNATIONALISATION is to foster the internationalisation of the degree programmes of UNITA partner universities, both full partner or associated ones, to ultimately increase the opportunities for all students to develop their international and inter-cultural skills. Indeed, those skills are recognized as key ones in our globalised world.

To make it possible, the heads of degree programmes would be coached according to their individual professional needs and their students could experience the outcomes of this process. The coaching will be conducted by a new type of function, internationalisation advisor, who will be at the service of the head of programme and develop capacity in internationalisation. Our goals at this stage are to suggest different possibilities/recipes of internationalisation and to provide internationalisation for all. We aim to take into account cultural differences and break down geographical barriers, but also to develop internationalisation at home. This would help reach out to people with fewer opportunities. What’s more, the fact that our outputs (Handbook and internationalisation self-assessment tool) as well as training sessions are accessible or conducted in local languages will allow to touch more people and to provide a better access to the information and advice offered.

Full partners: USMB (coordinator), UPNA, UNIBS, UniTBv, IPG.

Associated partners: UNIZAR, UNITO, UVT, UBI, UPPA, HES-SO, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. ARACIS (Romanian National Evaluation Agency)

Start on December 1st, 2023, 3 years project

Type of project: Erasmus+ project (Key Action 2)

Budget: 400 000 euros from Erasmus+
+ a budget coming from MOVETIA for HES-SO
+ co-financing by the partners institutions

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