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    UNIGHT – European Researchers’ Night 2024

    19 of july of 2024
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    UNITA PhD International Talent Challenge | Announcement of the winning teams

    16 of july of 2024
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    Languages Staff Week with partners from UNITA Alliance at UBI

    12 of july of 2024
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    Building a European University: UNITA's Research Milestones

    11 of july of 2024
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    UNITA at the EAIE Conference and Exhibition in Toulouse, 2024

    11 of july of 2024
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    2 UNITO students and 1 from UVT win the My 3min PhD Thesis UNITA competition

    10 of july of 2024
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    BIP-Blended Intensive Program "Environmental Issues in the European Union" at UVT: A Week of Intensive Studies and Educational Visits

    08 of july of 2024
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    Courses in Spanish as a Foreign Language at UNIZAR

    05 of july of 2024
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    1st meeting of the Governance Board for the RECIPES project: progress on tools for the internationalization of training programs

    01 of july of 2024
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    European Universities alliances unite to create a joint Community of Practice

    28 of june of 2024
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    UNITA WEEK at Transilvania University of Brașov

    20 of june of 2024
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    UniTO hosted the UNITA Green contest for outgoing students

    14 of june of 2024
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    The former President of the French Republic answers questions from the UNITA Student Assembly

    14 of june of 2024
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    200 participants at ICTU 2024 in Timisoara: the education through UNITA is growing and international

    14 of june of 2024
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    BIP in IPG "Comprends tú a minha limba romanza?"

    13 of june of 2024
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    UNITA Open Day at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

    12 of june of 2024
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    UPPA welcomes Mr. TOTO Pietro from University of Brescia for CHORAL project collaboration

    11 of june of 2024
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    Tre anni di Intercomprensione in UNITA

    04 of june of 2024
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    UNITA and the European Universities for Ukraine

    27 of may of 2024
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    UNITA presenta il primo rapporto di Impatto Sociale al Salone del Libro di Torino

    22 of may of 2024
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    Quinta edizione della Turin Spring School sul tema l'impegno civico nella transizione verde: Mobilitazione e resistenza

    20 of may of 2024
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    Brazilian partners contribute to extend UNITA's work beyond Europe with their visit to UNIZAR

    10 of may of 2024
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    Around 1000 representatives of Alliances, HEIs and Member States at the Conference in Bruxelles to discuss pathways for the implementation of the European degree

    02 of may of 2024
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    The Geminae Project presented as Best Practice at the Compass Conference

    26 of april of 2024
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    Dal Brasile a Torino per condividere buone pratiche di internazionalizzazione

    26 of april of 2024
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    European Students Assembly 2024: the report from UNITA's students

    19 of april of 2024
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    Creation of the UNITA Project Office at CHNU

    11 of april of 2024
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    UNITA and SMARTT project on the European Commission’s decision to work towards a European degree.

    05 of april of 2024
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    New collaboration opportunities for UNITA. Visit from the Director of Production of the University of Viçosa (Brazil) at UPPA

    05 of april of 2024
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    First 'staff-week' on Life-long education in UNITA

    05 of april of 2024
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    New Online Catalog: UNITA Alliance Expands Experience for Students

    05 of april of 2024
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    A new Blended Intensive Program (BIP) branded by UNITA at UVT: Intercomprehension in the Context of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP)

    05 of april of 2024
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    The UNITA-EGAI Spring School: An important step for the development of European Alliances made at the West University of Timișoara

    05 of april of 2024
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    More than a hundred people at the University of Zaragoza for UNITA's 'Building University Communities' Meeting

    26 of march of 2024
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    Conference “Paving the way for European Universities", University Savoie Mont Blanc

    13 of march of 2024
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    Portuguese reflection group on European Universities meets again

    04 of march of 2024
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    Promoting internationalization: the vision of the UNITA Alliance for university programs

    01 of march of 2024
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    UPNA brings together in Pamplona 80 professionals from eleven European universities belonging to the UNITA Alliance

    28 of february of 2024
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    La UPNA cofinanciará con la UE, en el marco del programa CHORAL de UNITA, tres contratos para estudiantes de doctorado

    14 of february of 2024
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    UNITA across borders for M'illumino di Meno 2024

    09 of february of 2024
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    Primo seminario congiunto di traduzione tra UniTo e West University Timisoara

    31 of january of 2024
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    UNITA 4 ALL: l’Università degli Studi di Brescia abbraccia l’Europa con uno sguardo al futuro

    23 of january of 2024
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    Nuovi scenari tra Università e territorio in prospettiva europea

    19 of january of 2024
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    Re-UNITA Open Innovation Prize

    11 of january of 2024
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    Succès du Mini-Symposium Re-UNITA USMB-UNITO sur la Chimie Verte

    11 of january of 2024
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    The role of students in the European Universities Initiative in Coimbra conference

    08 of january of 2024
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    La Rural Mobility di UNITA per il rilancio delle comunità rurali

    20 of december of 2023
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    Torna a Torino lo “speed date” della ricerca di UNITA

    18 of december of 2023
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    Re-UNITA was present at the Cross-Alliances Forum “SWAFS in European Alliances”, held in Brussels on November 30 and December 1

    12 of december of 2023
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    UBI takes part in meeting of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions that are members of European University Alliances

    06 of december of 2023
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    Internazionali e innovativi: l’Alleanza UNITA presenta i corsi del futuro

    05 of december of 2023
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    La valorizzazione dei rifiuti: le ricerche del NIS in UNITA

    04 of december of 2023
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    Un nuovo modello di governance per armonizzare le Alleanze europee

    30 of november of 2023
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    Dalla Francia a Torino per proteggere gli ecosistemi alpini

    24 of november of 2023
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    R&I in European Universities Alliances – Cross-Alliances Forum 2023

    23 of november of 2023
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    25 universities met in Pau, France for GEMINAE meetings

    14 of november of 2023
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    Launch of the consolidation phase of UNITA in Chambéry, France in the presence of the 12 Presidents and Rectors of the partner universities.

    14 of november of 2023
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    Citizen Science event for schoolchildren

    06 of november of 2023
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    Progetto “Child-AI Relationship”: l’umanizzazione dell'Intelligenza Artificiale si impara dall’infanzia

    06 of november of 2023
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    UBI recebe parceiros da Aliança UNITA

    02 of november of 2023
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    Il patrimonio ambientale e culturale transfrontaliero: sfide, potenziale, prospettive

    25 of october of 2023
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    U*Night – The UNITA Researchers’ Night

    06 of october of 2023
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    GEMINAE NETWORK - Best Practices Awards Ceremony at GEMINAE UPPA Event

    29 of september of 2023
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    European Universities Alliances fully committed to making the initiative a success in a long term

    29 of september of 2023
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    Mobilità, formazione e ricerca, il progetto MOTOR a Timisoara

    27 of september of 2023
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    And the winners of My 3-minute PhD Thesis are...

    26 of september of 2023
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    Summer School Interdisciplinary Methods in Migration Studies: il primo risultato dei Matching Events!

    14 of september of 2023
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    Workshop on “International levers and local implementation of active ageing rights”, Pau (F), 5 September 2023

    08 of september of 2023
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    UNITA Borders: conoscere i confini per superare le discriminazioni

    27 of july of 2023
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    My PhD Thesis in 3 minutes: Antonieta Tourais and Rafaela Caetano, the two doctoral students from the UBI selection

    24 of july of 2023
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    ESA 2023: An unforgettable experience for European students

    21 of july of 2023
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    Una settimana immersi nella cultura piemontese

    14 of july of 2023
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    IDEAS Summer school e le sfide della didattica del futuro

    13 of july of 2023
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    INNOUNITA PITON AWARDS 2023 | Team UNITO - ACQUA S. ANNA took 3rd Place!

    10 of july of 2023
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    UNITA meets high school and schoolchildren

    06 of july of 2023
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    Roland takes over the Randopats, to the Pyrenees.

    06 of july of 2023
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    “Developing UNITA Communities”: il futuro dell’Alleanza è già iniziato

    05 of july of 2023
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    My PhD Thesis in 3 minutes : Kirti Tiwari e Valeria Vasciaveo

    04 of july of 2023
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    European Commission approves the continuity of UNITA

    03 of july of 2023
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    GEMINAE NETWORK Announces Best Practices Awards on Higher Education outstanding practices

    29 of june of 2023
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    My PhD Thesis in 3 minutes : Hervé Di Domenico et Joyce De Sousa, les deux doctorants lauréats de la présélection locale de l’USMB

    23 of june of 2023
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    O experiență de neuitat și de povestit generațiilor viitoare...

    14 of june of 2023
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    UNITA Publishes 2nd Year Global Report: Showcasing Progress

    12 of june of 2023
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    Quand les grands esprits se rencontrent… en personne !

    29 of may of 2023
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    Turin School on EU Integration, Law and Justice

    24 of may of 2023
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    ESA 2023 in Strasbourg from 31st may to 2nd June 2023

    05 of may of 2023
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    Visit of ARACIS evaluation agency in Torino

    02 of may of 2023
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    Prof. Maurizio Tira has been elected to the board of the European University Association (EUA)

    21 of april of 2023
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    International journal publishes article on UNITA's experience

    18 of april of 2023
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    Great success for 'Italian and French Universities in the European Universities Initiative' in Turin

    04 of april of 2023
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    UNITA Days at Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara: Personal assistance in picking the next UNITA destination!

    04 of april of 2023
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    Back to the UNITA Library Staff Week March 16-17 at UPPA, Pau.

    04 of april of 2023
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    UNITA Hubs, role and renewal of the research and innovation network management

    03 of april of 2023
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    First UNITA matching event on education at UniTo

    27 of march of 2023
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    UNITA DAYS in Turin: UNITO hosts UNITA’s universities partner

    20 of march of 2023
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    Blended Intensive Programme dedicated to mobilities at Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara

    06 of march of 2023
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    Renouvellement du label d’Université européenne : UNITA répond à l’appel à projets de la Commission européenne

    17 of february of 2023
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    UNITA social impact: case study presented at the international symposium on sustainability reporting in universities in the context of social impact assessment

    16 of february of 2023
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    “We will be a federal university capable of influencing the territory. We are inventing the future”

    06 of february of 2023
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    Le nuove forme di cooperazione in UNITA: la firma del GEIE e il progetto EGAI

    03 of february of 2023
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